'we're happy together now'

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"Kirstie! Woah you've grown up! You look so.... so sophisticated!" Con said whilst throwing a hug into my arms.
"Con! You.. you've matured too! I never thought I'd see the day that you'd stop wearing that awful pair of Nike flip flops😂!"
"Haha yeah, I'm pretty sure our manager banned me from ever wearing them again!"

I always loved Con, he was the one boy that made an effort to stay in contact with me when the boys rose to fame. It was only when I changed my number we lost connection.

"Heyyy meggo!" Shouted a tall, blonde guy that I quickly recognised to be Tris.
"Tristan Evans! Woah it's been a while! What's happened to the boy that would shave his beard every hour! You're like a free man now, I love that. It's so good to see you."
"Hell yeah, the old guy is gone.. I'm a new tris now, my chest hair is allowed to grow freely" he laughed.
"Gross tris😂" I giggled.

"So," Brad said, "what's your name?" He asked looking directly at Zara who was clearly in a trance from knowing she was stood in a house with the vamps.

"I... I'm Zara Pennington... but you can call me... Zara"

Zara has always been awkward meeting new people, but this time it was sort of very slightly different. She smiled at brad sweetly instead of staring blankly at the floor like usual.

"Well, Miss Pennington, I'm Bradley, but you can call me Brad. So, when I heard it was your birthday tomorrow, we just had to order some pizza and a birthday cake! I hope you don't mind, but when you're with the vamps, you celebrate in style."
"Ahhhh.. ummmm... it's my birthday tomorrow?" She said looking like a fish out of water.

Shit! I forgot to pre warn Zara that the boys think it's her birthday tomorrow! Oh god..

"Yeah!" I butted in, "Its Zara's birthday celebration tomorrow sooo umm. Well. Yeah."
"Yeah...." Zara said sarcastically; sending me a look of deep confusion, "it's my birthday tomorrow..."
"There's no need to be embarrassed Zara, I know it must be pretty daunting meeting us, but we're just like any other normal people" Tris smiled whilst Con and Brad nodded in agreement.

"Anywayyyy," I said trying to move the conversation away from the lie I'd made to cover up awkwardness, "Where's james? He's here right?"
"James is upstairs I think. He went for a shower once Amber had left earlier." Con said.

"He'll be down in a minute, but in the mean time, why don't we show you to the 1st lounge room"

The boys led us through a couple of fancy game rooms, down some long corridors until we reached a huge wooden door that read "Movie suite".

Con opened the door and led us to a long red corner sofa topped with plumpy pillows that looked so comfy. This room is huge! There's a large coffee table in the middle of the room surrounded by the most modern furniture I've ever seen. Who knew you could get sofas with built in speakers!

"What are we gonna watch then? Seeing as it's Zara's night, I think she should choose." Brad said as he pulled Netflix up onto the screen.
"Ummm.. well I'm really into friends at the moment sooo.." she said shyly.
"Sort if into it?!" I butted in, "you're obsessed! I swear you've met Paul Rudd like 20 times?!"
"Well yeah I guess.." Zara blushed.

"Oh my goshhhh!" Brad shouted as he ran over and jumped into Zara's lap, "I love friends! I swear I've watched each season like 100 times! Well that's settled then... FRIENDS FESSTTTTT".

Oh god.. this is going to be a longgg night!

Halfway through episode 3, a very tired looking james waddles into the room and slouches himself down into the sofa next to me.

We spent a couple of minutes just chatting smalltalk to eachother about how much fun we had together today until Brad told us to shut the f up because it was an important bit of the episode.

"Kirst, can we go somewhere more.. private?" James asked, staring at me.
"Umm James.. you have a girlfriend.."
"No silly! Just for a chat, I'd love us to have a chat;non work related. There's some beer in the kitchen if you want?"
"That would be lovely James" I said as he led me out of the room.

Once we'd reached the kitchen, James went to fetch some beers and met me back at the breakfast bar.

"Thankyou for today James, I really did have so much fun, but.. I have something to tell you. You don't have to believe me or even say anything.. it's just something that made me really upset today."
"Yeah, sure. What's up Kirstie?" I could see the shock of concern that was starting to well up in James' eyes. I think I'm going to have to tell him what Amber said to me.. even though she told me not to tell him.

"Once I'd left the shoot, I went to the shops. Whilst I was in there, Amber and I had.. a chat..." I frowned.
"Oh no.. what happened Kirst.."
"Well, she was telling me that I ruined your life and I am sorry about that, but I just wanted to be friends again. She threatened that if she ever saw me around you again that there would be trouble.. big trouble.."

"No.. that can't be true.. can it?" James sighed.

"Babe! It's not true!! I would never say such a thing! Please believe me jamsey... she was the one that threatened me. She hit me actually.. she told me that if i didn't break up with you then she'd.. well she'd break me." A high pitched voice came waddling into the room. It's Amber..

"What the hell amber! Don't lie.." I said, not daring to make eye contact with the bitch. I could feel my heart shatter all over again.. or was that just the sound of my beer bottle smashing onto the hard floor..

"Amber, Kirst has been telling me that you threatened her. Is that true?" James frowned.
"No! Baby, of course not, id never say anything like that to anyone.. especially as I know just how tight your past is. I was too scared to tell you what she did to me earlier, so I didn't tell you. I'm sorry james."  She said slyly.

"What! Amber, why are you lying?! You told me to never come near james again.. you're such a bitch!"

"Kirstie, please don't talk to my girlfriend like that. I know you mean well, but I think it's best that you go." 
"You know what james?! I will go.. she's not even worth trying."

As I finished my sentence, I felt 2 arms tugging on mine. It's brad and Zara.

"Time to go now Kirst." Zara said, pulling me towards the door, "brads coming back to ours tonight so we can finish our friends fest, but I think it's best you come home with us."

There were tears all down my face now. I can't believe Amber! She's completely manipulating me!

Just at that moment, Amber made a sarcastic smiley frown and waved goodbye. James was just sat there staring at his feet.

As I was putting on my coat to leave, James approached. I could see a tear streak down his face, but his eyes were staying strong. He's always been good at that.

"Kirst. I do want to be your friend, but don't try and take amber from me. We're happy together now."

And with that, Brad, Zara and I left for home.

A/n: hey guys!! Sorry it's taken me so long to publish this chapter, I've been so busy recently catching up with schoolwork and then Christmas. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, feel free to comment and vote! Thanks x

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