'I have a lot to explain..'

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I'm being stupid! Of course James won't just magically love me after one day of shooting a video together. I don't need to be jealous! I should be happy for James. Anyway, I have no feelings for him. I moved on from the pop star years ago!

"Hi Amber, I'm Kirstie, the model actor for james' video today." I said in a calm tone, trying not to lead on that I'm a tiny bit nervous.
"Kirstie is my ex girlfriend Ambs" James stuttered, making amber's eyebrows raise at a high point leaving me to smile and nod at her.
"Is that so. Hmm. Well lovely to meet you babes, but we have to go don't we james, I want you to buy me some coffee please boo" she said, rolling her eyes sending me a sly look but turning to smile sweetly at James.
"Agh.. Sorry kirst .. you've got my number, text me and we can reschedule for coffee another time?." James frowned.
"It's ok, have fun you two" I fluttered.

Seeing them walk away, hand in hand, gave me some really mixed feelings. It was almost as if my heart was sort of hurting from seeing James so happy with someone else, but my head was telling me I'm happy for james and I'm glad he's found someone new. I'm going to text James later and find out if he still wants to go out for a coffee. It would be nice to stay friends.

I can't wait to get home and tell Zara all about my day. I'll tell her about the zipline, the ice cream, the candy floss, about seeing James again! Of course, I will need to tell Zara about my past with James, but that shouldn't be too difficult. Today was actually so nice!

Walking down the boardwalk waving bye to joe and the rest of the team, I decide I'll pop into CoOp for some chocolate cookies. I need a little treat after my work today.

As soon as I open the heavy door, I'm greeted by James' girlfriend again, browsing the bakery counter- looking for some brownies.

"Hey, it's Amber right?" I smiled at her, trying to make a decent conversation.
"Yes, how do you know my name?" She asked, looking at me as if I was some peasant off the street.
  "Hi Amber, it's kirstie, you met me earlier on the pier with James? His model for the video?" I mumbled with a very confused concern.
  "Oh yes, of course. Now, you and I need to have a talk.. girl to girl." She giggles.
  "Of course!" I almost shouted. I can't believe that she wants to talk to me! I thought she hated me! Phew!
  "Well, you're james' ex right?" she whispered slightly.
  "Yes I am.." I said awkwardly, wondering why she has such an interest in our past.
  "And you live around here?" She questioned.
  "Yes I do! I live 5 minuets away from your hotel!" I smiled
  "Well, james and I are staying here for a month and a bit for a writing break before the uk tour." She explained.
"That's cool! Maybe I'll see you two around more often then. We could go out for lunch sometime?" I grinned sweetly.

I can't believe it! Me and James are going to be friends again! Maybe me and Amber could be friends too☺️!

"See that's just it sweetie. I don't want you in our relationship." She muttered.
"What do you mean?" I asked.. feeling quite hurt at what this woman had just said to me!
  "It's just that, you hurt james a lot. I was the one who came and saved him from something that could've ruined his life. It was all your fault so I don't want you interfering with James again! After today, he seemed so different. He was talking about you the whole way to the shop and saying how much fun he had. I know you'll just run off again and leave him distraught so I think it's for the best you block his number and leave us the hell alone!" She blurted. What does this mean?

Should I listen to this beast? Should I leave James' life only just after I've found him again?

"Are you being serious Amber?" I whispered trying not to cry a little.
  "Sorry darling, james has a better life without you." She giggled. "Now, I have to get back to the hotel and watch a movie with my baby boo. Remember, if I EVER see you around James, there will be trouble. Big trouble." Not even waiting for me to say anything, she flipped her hair into my face and marched out of the shop with her brownies leaving me speechless at the counter wondering what the heck I should do.

She had just kicked me away from James. I can feel anger and frustration but almost a sigh of relief in my body. But then it hit me. I'm so upset. Losing people really makes me loose self confidence..

Leaving all my groceries on the floor, I start to run. Crying so many tears. Tears of rejection. Tears of loneliness. James doesn't need me. He has his perfect life and I'm sure he won't even notice if I don't call him again. He has Amber. I'm sure she treats him like the prince he is.

When I reach our little flat, Zara is sat in front of the telly watching our favourite movie- twilight. Agh I'm so glad to see her. The only person I could ever trust.

She turns round to see me with black streaks rolling down my face and red rosy cheeks from the run home. "Kirst, what happened?? Are you okay??!" She shouted, running over to give me the biggest hug I've ever been given.

"Sit down Zara. I have a lot to explain." I said, wiping the tears from my face.

A/N- hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated for a couple of days! Please remember to vote and comment on this chapter! Did you enjoy? Thanks! Rose x

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