James Mcvey and Kirstie Brittain are both in collage.. after their abrupt breakup due to the vamps rising to fame, we watch their lives cross over once again when kirtsie gets an acting job to be james' lover in their new single's music video. James...
'Who...? Who is this?' The voice replied. "Kirstie. Kirstie Brittain. We were mates in collage, remember?" I said softly. "Kirstie?!" He replied suspiciously, "Heyy! How've you been? You're james' ex right? That's so cool, we've not spoken in ages!' "Yeah it's me brad, plain old kirst. I was helping James out in his new song music video today and he told me to give him a call later tonight, where is he?" I asked, starting to regret even calling the number. "James is... uhhh.. well, he left his phone on the table while Amber pulled him away to.. yanno.. get cozy' n that. I can get him if ya want me lav?" The bubbly Birmingham voice mumbled.
Of course James is with Amber.. I shouldn't have called.. I'll just leave him alone. We'd be better off apart. But ughh.. I just want to see him again...
"Kirst, you there?" Brad babbled. "Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking. Don't tell james I called, I wouldn't want to panic him." I said, preparing to end the call, but before I did, the soft tone of Bradley's voice hushed me. "Come over to our house Kirstie. I'm sure james and the other boys would love to see you again for a catchup with some drinks. How about tomorrow night?" "Ahhh.. ummm... no" I lied, "sorry Brad, my roommate has a birthday meal tomorrow night and I can't miss it."
That was a total lie! Zara's birthday isn't for 2 months.. oh god. What have I got myself into..!
"Well then," he smirked, "what about tonight? Pop over for an hour or 2, I'm sure we'd all love to see you. Bring your roommate and we can have some birthday drinks too."
What's the worst that will happen? I might as well go. I can't let Amber ruin my friendship with the boys. I miss being so close with them, they're such lovely guys.
"Yeah, sure. We'd love to. But, where do you guys live? Do we need to bring anything? Can't wait to see you all! It's been so long!" I chuckled, finally realising that I have to get over my teenage crush on a guy that's happy with a beautiful girl.
"Nah, don't be silly Kirstie, you don't need to bring anything but yourselves. We'll get the drinks and snacks sorted. Our address is Elmscott House, BO37 2KE. See ya there in about an hour, it'll be lavley." It was almost as if I could feel brad smiling at me through the phone. I must admit, I do miss his cheeky grin and stupid jokes.
"See you there, Bradley bear." .
With the press of a button, I ended the call to brad and began to walk out to the kitchen and tell Zara the plan.
Walking in, I can see her nervously tapping her fingers against the wooden table as she smiled at my entrance. "Well.. what happened? What did he say! Give me alll the deets!" She giggled, noticing I had no more teardrops on my face.
"Well, when I called the number,Brad picked up james' phone. He was really shocked to hear from me so he's invited us over for a few catch up drinks at the boys' house tonight. Hope that's ok with you. I just thought.. oh fuck it. I might as well catch up with my 4 ex best friends. We have been through a lot together after all." I smiled awkwardly.
"Oh my god." Was the only words that left Zara's lips.
"I'm sorry Zara, I should have checked with you fir-s" "OH MY GOD KIRSTIE ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT WE.. 2 NORMAL PEOPLE FROM PLAIN OLD BOURNEMOUTH ARE GOING TO BE DRINKING WITH THE MEGA FAMOUS BAND... THE VAMPS?! My plans can wait!" She jumped up and slammed herself deep into my arms, squeezing me tight. "Umm.. well.. uhhhh.. yes I think so. I'm glad you're ok with it then 😂" I laughed, "go and get ready, we need to leave in 10 minutes!"
Once it was time to go, we packed our handbags and waited for our Uber to pick us up. Zara decided to play it cool by wearing some skin tight leggings and a lazy hoodie with some casual makeup and goofy glasses. I however, had decided to wear a red jumper with a little tartan skirt and black tights. James always used to love it when I wore natural makeup, so all I've put on is a touch of concealer and mascara and brushed my hair straight.
"Kirst you look stunning! Go and take a bloody selfie before I plaster you on my Twitter! Let james know how excited you are for tonight." Zara said with her mouth hanging wide open.
"Thanks Zara, it really isn't a thing special. You on the other hand, look beautiful as always." I flicked my hair over my face and took a few selfies on my old iPhone 6 that really does need updating.
The Uber ride to the boys' house was quite quiet. I took the time to post on my Twitter about how excited I was to see my boys tonight. ☺️
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It wasn't long after I'd tweeted that I had 4 new followers pop up on my phone.
@thevampsjames, @thevampsbrad, @thevampscon and @thevampstris have followed you.
I don't know why I feel so excited about this. It feels like I'm meeting a long lost relative for the first time!
Wait. Hold on Kirstie. Stop over reacting. It's just your four collage friends who just happen to be mega famous all over the world. What could possibly go wrong 😬!
I didn't have enough time to finish worrying because the Uber has pulled up at a gorgeous great big farm house on the edge of town.
A short ish man ran out of the house waving and smiling like a lunatic. It's Brad! How could I forget his gorgeous curly locks and his beautiful brown eyes.
"I can't believe you're here.. at our mansion! James and the other boys are inside, we'll get to see them in a minute or so. Aha," Brad smirked, "you must be the roommate I've been told about 😉 Brad winked with a strange looking face. Follow me and I'll take you into the other boys."
Brad opened the door and I was so shocked at what I saw. It was con.. what has happened to him!?!
Hey guys, I've decided to keep writing this book when I can. Keep me motivated by voting and commenting, but in the mean time, you can check out my other book.. adopted by the vamps! Thanks xx