'Brad, is that you?'

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"So Zara, when I was in collage, I had a boyfriend. He was a great boyfriend! We got together right at the beginning of the first year and stayed together for 2 years straight. We would spend all day together just talking, cuddling and loving eachother. It was great." I spoke as we both sat on the settee with a cuppa each.
  "He sounds great! What happened? Do you still have contact with him?" Zara replied, intrigued to hear the story.
  "He joined a band. it was great. I'd go and watch them practice, help them set up for little pub gigs and busking sessions and I'd give them all the support they needed to keep the determination to carry on with the band. It was all going so well, until one night. There was a local mic night on the collage campus where the boys were headlining." I stuttered, " the boys put on an amazing show, singing their brand new song I'd helped them write. We were packing up to go home when a strange man approached us. He asked the boys if they'd like to show him some of their work sometime because he was looking for 'new talent'. The boys met up with the man and he told them the opportunity he had on offer. He offered them a record deal for a new single. Of course they took it!' I explained further.

'What's wrong with that? You should be happy for them! How is that bad?' Zara asked.
"It's not bad. To start off with, I was so happy for them. We threw a celebratory party, we drank, we sang and we danced! But then my boyfriend had to stay away a lot, he was always in a tired state when he was home and he didn't even text me for days at a time. I'd miss him so much that I didn't concentrate on school for 2 months and my grades dropped dramatically. That's when we ended things. I told him it was for the best that we broke up, but I don't think it was. I think, even after all these years.. I miss him." I cried.

"Oh no! That's terrible kirst.. but where is he now? I bet the band went downhill as soon as you left him and they're just singing in pubs and clubs. Anyway, why are you worrying about this now? It's not like you've seen him for years!" She was trying her best to cheer me up, but she knew it wasn't working..

"The Vamps. He's in the vamps. You know, the world touring band that's played many times in the 02 arena and has 2.4million instagram followers? Yeah. It's James Mcvey. James is my ex collage boyfriend and guess what, today I shot a music video with him." I could feel my face getting red and my eyes starting to ache from crying.
"Shit. Shit. Shit. No. I'm so sorry kirstie!!!!! This is all my fault... I should have told you the band and let you put your cv in.. I'm so sorry 😕😕!" She staggered looking embarrassed at what she'd done.
"No, it's ok. I had so much fun today. It was the most fun I've had in years. We ate ice cream, played games, went down a zip line and even had a kiss." I smiled "but it all went downhill when I met Amber, James' new girlfriend"
"Phew! I'm so glad you had a great day! So are you and James friends now? Why are you upset then?" She asked, feeling more confused than I am.
"James girlfriend had a go at me in co op after James had left. She said I was the one who ruined james' life and she was the one who brought it back to him so I should be sorry and stuff. She also told me to leave them alone forever.. but Zara, I don't think I can. I want to stay friends with James 😕 he told me to call him tonight. Should I listen to his girlfriend or should I ring him?" I whispered upset sobs quietly between each breath.
"Get on the phone to him right now kirst!! You can't let her ruin your new friendship with James if you know James wanted to keep in touch with you! Get upstairs and call him before I do;)!" She almost shouted.
"Are you sure, I don't want to make Amber worried or angry again.." I muttered
"I'm sure kirstie! Call him!!!" She was definitely shouting now.

"Thankyou Zara, I love you." I said, squeezing her hand tight.
"I love you too best friend" she replied with a little giggle.

Feeling my feet crawl down the hallway to my room, I take out the number james had given me earlier that day and began to dial his number. It rang and rang until a faintly familiar voice picked up the phone.
"Brad? Is that you?" I asked...

A/n- hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been busy with school. Have you read my new book? It's about a girl who gets adopted by the vamps and she falls in love with a certain someone;) 🐻🐻give it a read! Thanks x

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