James Mcvey and Kirstie Brittain are both in collage.. after their abrupt breakup due to the vamps rising to fame, we watch their lives cross over once again when kirtsie gets an acting job to be james' lover in their new single's music video. James...
James- James Mcvey is the star of the story. After rising to fame with his four best friends he is struggling to find real love in his exciting life.
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Kirstie- Kirstie Brittain was James' first love. After 2 years of being together in collage, she decides she has to move on with her life and let James concentrate on his career with the boys.
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Amber- Amber Singh is James' girlfriend when James meets Kirstie again. Was it meant to be for her and James?
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Zara- Zara is Kirsties best friend. She's such a big part in Kirsties life, but things aren't too great between them when she sets Kirstie up with an old friend.. Will she find love with one of the other boys?
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The vamps- The vamps are James' band. Starting out in 2012, the boys have risen to fame and now are worldwide superstars with over 2.4 million followers on Instagram. It must have been fate when Kirstie gets casted as an actor for one of their music videos..!
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