Chapter 15

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Peeta just stared.
"Katniss," Peeta said slowly, "what are you talking about?"
I exhaled.
"When I was at the Capitol, with Snow's granddaughter, she told us about a plan. At first I didn't think it would work, but we can't just keep living like this. We have to start somewhere, and this is our start. We can help lead a brand new government, it's really organized, and it would help people discover their true selves."
Peeta blinked.
"What are you even saying? What do you mean by 'discovering their true selves'?"
I looked down at my hands.
"It's called a serum." I muttered.
"What? Katniss! This makes no since. Your crazy. You do know that were talking about president Snow's granddaughter? President Snow, who thought it was a good idea to round up 24 kids and placed them in an arena to kill themselves?"
"She didn't say anything about killing anyone, Peeta."
He let out a heavy sigh. "Yeah, but I just don't think it's a good idea."
I shook my head and left the room.
I have a week to convince Peeta.
I was sprawled out on my bed when Peeta came in.
"Knock much?" I pulled the covers over my head.
"What's wrong?" Peeta asked. He sat down next to where I was laying, leaning against the wooden wall.
"Nothing. I just really think we should do this."
"But what about the kids? What happens to them when they are forced to leave us?"
"What are you talking about? They would live with us." I pulled the blankets off, I used up all of the oxygen underneath.
Peeta pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Just... Don't do anything stupid. Don't make me regret saying yes."
I sat up, staring at him.
"Are you serious?"
He nodded.
I pulled him in, and kissed him repeatedly.
I traced his jawline, and pulled his lips to mine.
"I love you."
He pulled away, only to say he loved me much more.
Peeta and I walked into the long white building just outside the Capitol, where we met Claudia.
"Welcome, Katniss," she smiled, showing perfectly strait whitened teeth.
"Hello, Peeta, I'm glad you made the decision of joining us."
Peeta smiled. "Nice to finally-"
Peeta fell backwards with a sickening crack as a swarm of peacekeepers pulled him toward a door to the left.
"Peeta!" I screamed.
His head smeared blood on the white tile, reminding me of a certain Capitol propo.
I fell to the floor, tears staining my face. I was screaming his name repeatedly as two peacekeepers held me back.
Claudia laughed as Peeta unconsciously left the room.
The doors closed, blocking the view of Peeta and the peacekeepers. All I saw was the blood stained tiles.
Claudia laughed as she picked at her nails.
"Why did you do that!?" I cried.
She walked in a circle, stopping in front of me.
"A loved one for a loved one."
I tried to lunge at her, but the peacekeepers held me back.
"What?" I screamed. "Peeta didn't kill anyone!"
"My grand father may have 'killed' kids, but he was still my family. Actually, he was the only family I had."
I fell to my knees. The peacekeepers hands dug into my underarms.
"Did you honestly think I would let this go? Let alone let you rule alongside me?" She laughed and pulled a gun out of her back pocket.
"This may be the sole best day of my life." She exclaimed, as she loaded the gun.
She placed it against my head.
I couldn't feel anything. I was too exhausted and too busy thinking about Peeta.
I held my breath.
The last thing I heard was a click.
I woke with a start. I was shaking so hard I was afraid I would wake Peeta, who was snoring safely next to me.
It was a dream.
I rested my head on his chest, and thought about the nightmare that I was sure I would never forget


I'm sorry this chapter isn't good, I haven't slept in days but I felt like I had to update.

Thanks for reading :)

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