Chapter 7

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{Chapter 7}
The past two weeks have gone in a blur and needle pokes. Yup I have been in this white hell hole tor two whole weeks.

I haven't died yet so I guess that's a good thing.

After the first chemo treatment my amune system took a total shit. I was ridiculously prone to sickness at the moment. Before anyone entered they had to sanitize their hands and then wash them up to their elbows in the sink. That also meant I couldn't leave this place.

I also couldn't leave this place if I couldn't walk and at the moment walking was totally out of my picture. My tibia and fibia were rodded, nailed, screwed, plated and whatever type of metal hardware they could get in me holding them together. I had a long road of recovery a head of me.

"You know your cast is water proof right?" Anna told me eyeing my lime green cast from beside my bed.


"Then why the hell do you stink?" Anna bluntly asked pinching her nose.

"I haven't gotton a shower in a week." I told her bluntly still staring at the TV but not really seeing it.

I started Grey's Anatomy and I don't regret it yet.

"Why the hell not?!" She almost broke her back from whipping her body over to stare at me shocked.

"What? I'm not going anywhere. Somehow only one treatment in and I am in critical condition so I'm just stuck here." I snapped.

"You know your ammune system basically crashed. That's why." I could tell she rolled her eyes. I watched out of the corner of my eye as she stood up from the recliner.

"Yeah Anna I think I know my own system."

She came over to the bed and ripped my blankets off.

"What the fuck Anna?!"

"You are getting a shower." She stated grabbing my bed remote.

"Fuck off Anna." I groaned pulling the remote from her hand. "I am fine."

Her eyes widened at my outburst. I just leaned back into the bed and fixed the bed from the little bit of time Anna had hit the raise button.

"You need to get up ad walk then. You need to do something! Your mom said they had to make sure you wern't getting bed sores!" She basically yelled folding her arms over her chest.

"Yeah well I don't know if you knew this or not but news flash! I don't have a fucking foot to walk on!" I yelled back at her pulling my blankets back over me hiding the stumpy lime green cast.

I won. Her jaw was set as she looked down at the foot of the bed. She eyed my crutches that laid on the floor by the door but she stopped herself from pointing it out.

Her mouth opened but whatever she was about to say got cut off by her phone dinging from the back pocket of her jeans. She huffed and fished the phone out.

"I have to go your brother will be here in a little bit." A minute later she left with a good bye.

And then I was stuck in this stupidly white room. Under these stupid blankets with a stupid stump.

They were worried. Everybody was worried.

I didn't cry enough and I was cold. They wanted the easy going Noah. That girl would be making fun of the dumb green stump I had left.

The nurses are threatening me with a sponge bath tomorrow if I don't get a shower.

Mom cries almost every night and dad just sighs when he looks at me sometimes.

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