Chapter 13

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Chapter 13}
"By the way dude where did you go after the game? You disappeared within seconds." Donvan asked me as we walked down the hallway.

I shrugged my shoulders and gave myself a second to come up with something.

"I was just ready to get home." I told him looking over at him. His eyebrows furrowed at me.

"But you weren't there the next day. I went over and youR mom said you didn't come home." I was caught. My body or my stupid dude ass brain came up with it's own thing and I started spurting bullshit.

"You got me dude. I had a girl waiting for me." I gave a little cheeky smirk over to him. His eyes widened as he laughed and shook his head. I inwardly cringed.

"Dude you had me on edge there for a second!" he laughed and shoved my shoulder. I laughed and pushed him back.

"Nah man."

"No you were just getting some! So how is it? You finally do Autumn?" He raised his eyebrows with a cheeky grain as he pushed my shoulder again.

I wasn't a player and wasn't known as a dude who got it in but I could get some if I wanted some.

"No dude you know I can't stand
her. She is so stuck up. And her voice is awful dude." I shook my head half offended by his guess.

"But she is hot dude! And she totally wants you!" he said shaking his head in disbelief.

He was right she was decent tlooking but the personality and the naisely voice with the stick up her ass look was not for me.

Plus she gets around a lot and gets attached.

Doesn't make much sense but whatever.

The halls were pretty deserted since our lunch just dismissed. They let lunch out first before classes to try and keep the halls from getting super crowded.

We passed two more doors before pulling open the door to Chem.

I passed Noah's empty seat and sat down. Donovan took the seat on my right and Anna sat down next to him.

Noah's seat stuck out like a sore thumb. Anna had been asked a couple times what happened to her but she brushed it off easily with just saying family. That didn't always work though considering a good chunk of the school saw her eat it at All Night Volleyball. If anymore questions were asked Anna just ignored them.

After Saturday's incident I ditched.

I couldn't take it. Something hit me. Like realization or fear. I couldn't pin point it.

It hit me hard and I couldn't take the whiteness of the room anymore.

I couldn't take the smell of Chlorax or the fact that a nurse was going to walk in again at any moment.

I couldn't do it.

And then I felt terrible because I could just walk out. Noah couldn't. She couldn't even try to escape if she wanted to. She would need a team to help. She couldn't just get up and leave.

We saw how that ended.

She was stuck there with no escape.

"Please get on your bellringer! Put your phones away!" Mrs. Cams said with a raised voice as she walked into the room.

I looked down at the table at the paper Donovan had picked up for us off the pile at the front table.

I glanced over at the empty seat next to me where Noah sat. Chem was not her strong suit.

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