Chapter 15

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{Chapter 15}
Noah's POV
"JT?" Well I didn't think I would ever be seeing this carrot top ever again.

I am a bit bitter.

"Noah." He said back. A smile started to work its way over his face as he leaned against the door. I wiped that away fast.

"Get out." My voice was stern as I glared at him. His smile dropped and a shocked expression went over his face.

His arm dropped and I saw a single serve tub of ice cram in his hand.

Cookies n Cream.

Fuck him.

"Noah I'm sorry." He tried to step forward but I guess I had my own reflexes and the neon green three legged dog was flying throught the air.

"You're sorry?! it has been two weeks! You can't just come in here after ditching me for weeks and try to fix it with your shitty ice cream!" I screamed at him.

He stood there frozen as the dog hit him the face just like my words did. Stumpy sadly just fell to the tile floor. His nose or eye must have hit because I heard a click when he hit.

"You left me after I broke." My voice started to choke up as I spoke. "I haven't moved. I can't. I can't walk. So shove your ice cream up your ass and use your fine working legs and get out." I cried. He just stepped forward as angry tears ran down my face.

"Noah." He whispered walking up to my bed.

"No." I cried pushing at his chest. He stayed in place and grabbed my hands.

"No!" I screamed my face was read and tears poured down my face in anger and sadness. It was all hitting me too fast and all at once. I pushed at him again but he just tightened his grip while bringing me to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and when I settled  a second he pushed my face into his chest.

"I'm so sorry Noah. I wont leave this time. I promise." He whispered while rubbing my back.

"You wont?" I knew I was pathetic. I felt it to my bones as my bottom lip wobbled but I couldn't help it. JT had somehow become my rock and when he ran out of that room I was unbalanced.

"No I wont."



"So what has happened since I haven't been here?" I asked after Noah's door closed behind us.

"Well clearly you haven't gotten any smarter since you think I'll tell you anything after just ditching like that." Anna said rolling her eyes at me and crossing her arms tightly over her chest a glare setting on her face.

"I'm sorry and she knows that. She has forgiven me-"

"No one said she was smart either-" Anna mumbled cutting me off.

"I'm here for good Anna I couldn't do that to her again even if I ever wanted to. I was a dick and I feel terrible about it. I'm here for the long haul." I told her honestly.

I watched as she took her glare off of me and looked down to her nails as she ran her thumb over the nail of her middle finger. She dropped both of her arms down to her sides. She sighed and rolled her eyes at me again.

"Fine." Anna said with a little foot stomp as she caved. "She hasn't used her crutches since she fell at therapy. She has been forcing us to wheel her around. She has been talking to some girl from group but she's on her death bed." Anna sighed looking into the little window in the door. Noah was passed out in her bed. "The treatment seems to be working but if she doesn't get up and start moving again it could go down hill pretty quickly. If all goes right the doctors think she'll be out in a month. They aren't letting her leave though because her immune still hasn't un-tanked itself. If that gets better she can go on some field trips." I took in all of what I was being told and nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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