Chapter 10

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{Chapter 10}
"Stop pacing. You're making me nauseous." I groaned at Anna as she turned on her heels again ready to pace the length of the foot of my bed for around the millionth time.

"Sorry." She mumbled. She stopped in her tracks and came back to my bed sitting back in her spot at the foot of the mattress.

"Okay gurl lets get this stuff started." Rasta called walking into the room pushing a cart in front of her. She stopped at the side of my bed and got busy to prep everything.

With her voice entering the room everyone perked up. Anna immediately got off my bed after sqeezing my right ankle. Dad and Zach came over to kiss my forehead. It was a little weird when Zach did it. I don't know. Dad sat at the place Anna had been and mom took a seat ion the lazy boy grabbing my hang tightly in hers. Anna and Zach sat on the folded out fouton.

"If all goes well you will be going home for two weeks. Just remember that in one week you'll be back for a check up." Rasta told me in her 'serious nurse voice'. I nodded my head and watched as she pulled on a pair of light blue gloves I giggled as she snapped the end of one of them.

"I'll miss the Ben And Jerry's." She gave me a big Rasta grin and shook her head.

"Me too doll."

Almost everyday I had a tub of Ben and Jerry's either with Rasta or Zach or just by myself. Anna has had some with me too. Ice cream was now my thing. It was a tiny sweet tub of joy in this half hell hole.

I guess JT decided he fixed his guilt though because it's been a week and a half since he has showed up at 8 pm and ate ice cream with me until midnight.

It was like a whiteboard was erased but it's still smeared.

The only sign he was here was a lime green dog with three legs and a hot pink bow.

I tried so hard to not care. To just pitch the dog in the trash and forget about the ginger in the sweatpants.

It was a lost cause. He hooked me with his boring ass cookies n cream shit.

I boredly watch Rasta wipe down my inner arm with a hospital version of a Chlorax wipe.

A ringing ripped my eyes away from the wet spot on my arm and I jerked to see Anna bolt off the bed into the hall. Soon enough she was yelling something about a dog and that's all I got.

My brain was too foggy about a JT that stood for a name I didn't know and the fact that I was getting injected with shit soon to really try and decipher what Anna was blabbing about.

I had gotton weaker and stronger all at the same time. I have been practicing with my crutches and a wheelchair lately getting myself ready for the world outside of bleached white walls.

I even had someone talk to me about a prosthetic foot.

I am all for it.

Crutches fucking blow. The only bad part is I have to wait until the bone completely heals and the insition heals.

Which will be a long time seeing as though I will have more surgeries in the future for screws and whatnot.

We will have to see.

"And you have been poked!" I looked over at my arm to see Rasta taping the shit out of the needle.

After this session they will decide if I need a port depending on the amount of chemo I will need. It was two more including this one. I had also had shown slight symptoms of my ammune system taking a total crap on me, if that happened I was going to be stuck here for a little longer.

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