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I finally gave up trying to get out of Germany's grasp. So instead I just stayed there with a very glum look on my face.

"Please don't look like that Miss.Virginia. We are very sorry for the in-convince but you will like your new school. Trust us." Japan tried to cheer me up.

"Really Japan? Well thank you for cheering me up but that isn't going to do very good right now." I said.

"Vhy is that?" Germany asked.

"Because I left my stuff in my bag and it had my lunch now I'm super hungry." I replied.

"No problem dude. Here!" America shoved a burger in my mouth. I thanked him and ate it.

"About all of your stuff, we have people at your house packing you bag for you." Japan said with a smile.

"What!" I yelled. "I can't have other people pack my stuff especially if it's boys. No no no!"

"Do not worry. It is only mr. Italy and mr. France." Japan said. I sighed.

"Now then. Could you explain how ve get out if here? I believe I'm lost." Germany said.

"Which hallway are we in?"

"B dude."

"Make a left then keep straight then make a right and there is the exit." I said.

"Thank you." Japan said.

-- a couple minutes later --

Germany finally put me down on the sidewalk. There was a car parked out front with two men beside it. One had blonde hair, pale skin, and green eyes. His eyebrows looked kind of funny.

"Ello love." He said as he waved. That must be Britain.

The other one has brown eyes, pale skin, and brown hair.

"Hello Aru! I like you headband." He said. He must be china.

"Rachel! Rachel!" I turned around to see Naomi and CeCe run up to me. They both have me big hugs.

"Please don't go!" They both said at the same time.

"I'm sorry guys but don't really have a choice now do I?" I said with a smile. "But don't worry I'll write, and it's only for high school right? I'll see you in a couple of years."

They both nodded and gave me one last hug. Then I turned around and faced America.

"Will I be able to say goodbye to my family?" I asked.

"Sorry bro but there is no time. We will allow you to call them and say goodbye though." He said. Everyone got in the car and I took out my phone and called my mom.

It rang and rang and rang but there was no answer. I felt like I was about to cry but I left her a message anyways. "Bye mom bye Kitty. I love you guys ok." I said.

Afterwards I dried my tears and got in the car. I gave my friends one last goodbye and we drove off. For the whole ride it was silent. Hopefully, like Japan said I'll love my school. I also hope I'm not the only girl there.

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