Food agruement

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I walked through the hallway looking for the language classes. After quite some wondering I found them. German was right next to french. 'Hmm which one to choose.' I tapped my chin.

"Hey! You! Awesome looking girl!" I looked to my right to see Prussia poking his head out of the door. "Are you the new student?" He asked. I nodded. "Then join my awesome class! Quickly before the unawesome Francy pants gets here."

"But I'm not really sure I want to learn German." I replied. I suddenly felt an head on my head. And heard a familiar Ohonhon laugh.

"She should join my beautiful class non?" France said with his head ontop of mine.

"Nein! She should join mein awesome class!" Prussia argued.

"How about we let her decide non?" He lifted up his head and turned me around to face him. " Who will it mon amie? Français ou German?"

"Ehhhh" I thought about it. Then turned to Prussia. "Prussia no offense. Your awesome and all but I think I'll go with french." I said.

"Ehhhh! Your going with the Un-awesome Francy pants!!!" He yelled. France laughed.

"I win again non?" He says. Then japan walks up.

"Erm. Excuse me Mrs. Virginia." He started. I looked at him.

"Was up Mr. Honda?" I asked

"Erm. Well I am starting a Japanese class. And I was wondering if you would like to join." He asks. I nodded.

"Sure. I've always wanted to learn Japanese."

France and Prussia stopped there arguing and looked at me.

"Peace out guys I'm taking Japanese." I said following Japan.

"Well. How un-awesome is this. We lost to japan." I heard Prussia say.

"Oui. I agree. He isn't even as handsome as me." France said afterwards.

~~time skip~~

After something minutes of learning some basis of Japanese, it was time for lunch. With Kuma still on my head, I stood in line.

"What to eat my dear polar bear friend?" I asked him.

"Who are you?" He asked. I sighed.

"I'm Rachel." I replied. I got my lunch and sat down. Unlike my other school this lunch looked pretty good. Then again it was made by Spain and Romano.

I was about to eat when my food was knocked down to the other side of the table. Alfred was on the other side in front of me.

"Hey what was that for?" I asked.

"No state of mine is going eat that!" He say shoving a burger into my hands. I shrug an held it to my mouth but then England stopped me.

"No you git she should try my food!" He said handing me a burnt scone.

"Umm no offense England but your cooking sucks." I said. Putting the scone down and picking back up the burger.

"Really... Is my cooking that bad?" He said with a sad expression.

"Yeah sorry dude it is." America said.

"Does no one like me cooking?" He went into his Tamaki corner.

"I like your cooking!" A little boy said patting his back. England grabbed his shoulders.

"Thank you random little boy." He said.

"I'm Sealand!" The boy said. So I was right. England then walked away.

"Well I have work to do." He said.

"Oh hey I want to come!" America said running after him. I walked up to Sealand.

"Hi sealand." I said.

"Oh hey. Do you recognize me as a country?" He asked me with wide eyes. I smiled.

"I sure do. Now if I may ask. What are you doing at a highschool?" I replied.

"Oh I come to help out at times. I really helpful!" He said.

"That explains things. Well alright then. I shall talk to you later." I patted his head and starting eating my burger. He nodded and ran off.

'Good kid. Wait why am I eating a burger. I have PE next!' I thought.

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