The school

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I had noticed I had fallen asleep until I saw I was facing the ground being carried on Germany's back.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up?" I asked.

"Because Miss.Virginia you looked so peaceful." Japan said.

"And we must make sure you don't run away Aru." China said afterward.

"Were would I be able to run to?" I asked. He shrugged. Germany set me down on the ground.

"Here is ze school." He said as he pointed. I turned around and gasped.

The school was a really huge building. Bigger than any school building I've ever seen.

"Do you like it love? This is the school. We have many rooms so you can get lost. On the west wing is the girls dorms on the right is the boys, and in the middle is all of the classes and such." England said.

"Man this place is huge." I said. America handed me my bags.

"Yeah dude. But you get use to it." He said. "Iggy here will show you to the office so you can get your schedule and dorm number. Also a map and rule book. Plus your school uniform." He said.

"Don't call me Iggy you twit. And yes I will be showing you around. Follow me." He said as he started walking. I waved to everyone and followed him.

--Time skip--

"And over there is the nurse's office. If you ever need any help just ask anyone. Don't be shy. And here is the office." England said as he stopped at the office.

"Alright. Thanks for the tour England." I said.

"No problem love." He said as he walked away. I walked into the office.

"Hello miss. I can see your a new student. May you give me your name?" Asked the woman at the front desk.

"Y..yes my name is Rachel Jones." I replied.

She started to type. "Ah yes Rachel. Your in dorm number 221. Your roommate is already there waiting for you. Here is your stuff." She said as she handed me my things.

"Thank you." I said as I grabbed my stuff and walked out.

"Goodbye." She said.

I started walking towards my dorm.

~Time skip~

I stood at the door of my dorm scared to open the door. I wondered what my dorm-mate would be like. I grabbed the knob and opened the door.

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