24 ~ Door 4

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OMG IM SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR LIKE TWO MONTHS!! I literally have no excuse...I have just been busy with stuff and just trying to focus on doing shit that makes me happy. Well now that I'm back...I'll TRY to update more!

Fourth Door Start
Naruto POV
As I walked through the 4th door I was greeted with my old academy classroom. I was seated alone in the back corner of the room.

At the front of the room, I could see my two "siblings" sitting quietly like the angels they are. Sitting with them was their beloved followers, Sakura and Ino.

Because I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking, I tripped over a uneven board on the floor.

The whole room went silent.

The "fabulous four" all glared me down. Mito stood up and walked to where I was.

She put her arm out to help me stand up. Was she actually being nice to me?! I slowly accepted her hand and she started to pull me up.

Once I was almost standing, Mito let go of my hand and I plummeted back to the ground again.

"Oh my gosh. You're such an idiot!" Mito yelled through her uncontrollable laughter. "Why would you ever think that I would help a demon like you!"

She lifted her foot and was about to stomp it on to my chest but was stopped by an infuriated Iruka sensei storming into the room.

"MITO STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!" He yelled. Mito, who was now shocked, gently put her foot back down again and angrily strutted back to her desk.

Iruka sensei walked over to me and knelt down to my level.

"Are you ok Naruto?" He asked.

I nodded my head as he helped me stand up.

"I know that the situation with your siblings is a daily thing and I want to help you but there is nothing I can do without getting into trouble from the hokage" he said.

"I understand Iruka sensei." I replied. "Don't worry about me I'll be fine!"

Iruka pat me on the head and motioned for me to take my seat.

I really appreciate Iruka. He is one of the only people that cared right from the beginning. He was the father figure for most of my early childhood. I really do look up to him.

During class the torment didn't stop. Mito, Menma, Ino and Sakura were doing so many things. Teasing me. Calling me names, pulling my hair. Throwing things at me.

Every time they did something, I could see Iruka glance at me with a worried look. Obviously he couldn't interfere, but at least I knew he cared.

Once class ended, Iruka made me stay back so that he could talk to me.

"Hey Naruto, would you like to go get some ramen with me?" He asked.

"Of course!" I screamed with excitement.

Iruka pat me on the head and we went on our way to Ichiraku Ramen.

~Time Skip after they ate at Ichiraku~

"Thank for the meal!" I said as I placed my chopsticks down after my 10th bowl.

Iruka looked at me and laughed. "I don't understand how you can eat so much Naruto." He said while rubbing the back of his head.

"It's cause I'm growing into a man!" I yelled

Iruka chuckled as he placed money for their meals on the counter.

"Come on Naruto, I'll walk you home." Said Iruka.

I jumped off the chair and started to run down the road in the direction of my house while giggling uncontrollably.

"Hey wait for me!" Yelled Iruka as he started to run after me.

Fourth Door End

As I returned back to my mindscape, a small smile appeared on my face.

Iruka. One of the people who always cared and helped me from the start. I'll forever be grateful of him.

But I know that Iruka wasn't what that memory was about.

It was about my siblings.

How they tease me.

Hurt me.

Never once loved me.

It hurt know that the two people who are meant to love you unconditionally just brush me off as a demon.

Well maybe they are right.

Maybe I am a demon.

I hope this was good and that you enjoyed ittttt. I know it was short and that these door things are kinda fillers but oh well. The last door should be soon! I'll try not to take two months again😂

StrangerOtaku outttttt

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