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I woke up at 8 am. I decided it would be a good idea to leave. Kat wasn't up yet so I decided to leave her a note. I got back to the Why Don't We house. I still couldn't believe that Kat used to drink. I wasn't mad or upset at her for not telling me, I mean really it's none of my business. But what made me upset was that I even brought up that stupid video in the first place. It's not like I'm her boyfriend so why would I be mad? I decided to text Kat.
Daniel: good morning beautiful.
Every morning I would text her the same thing. She would always try and boost my confidence by giving me compliments, so I would do the same.
I waited but got no response.
Daniel: listen I didn't mean to just leave like that this morning.
Kat🙂: Sorry I just woke up. And you have an actual life, it's fine that you had to leave.


1 month later


Over the past month, Daniel and I have been getting really close. We have been getting really touchy with each other. It used to be we would cuddle at night. Now we cuddle during the day. He kisses my forehead when I'm feeling sad, and he likes to give me hugs. The thing was, these kisses, and theses hugs, and theses cuddles, didn't feel like a relationship type thing at all, it was more of a best friend thing. Although, my feelings for Daniel were still there, I knew that we wouldn't ever date. We've only known each other for 2 months. I had only spilled 4 secrets to him, I knew there were a lot more. Honestly There was a lot of things Daniel doesn't know about me. I decided that I would tell him when the time is right.


1 week later,


Today was August 15, the day Kat and I were going hiking to the Hollywood sign. I went to her apartment to pick her up. I walked inside and saw her in her kitchen.
"Hey Kat".
"You ready?" I asked her
"Yeah, lets go!"
Today she was wearing black Nike leggings and a black Nike sports bra.  She had her hair in a high ponytail, and had no make up on as far as I could see.   She told me that she would drive since I always drive.  I gave her my car keys and we drove off.  She plugged her phone into the radio so that we could listen to music.  She was playing "Home" by EBEN.  Eben was a good friend of mine.  And he just dropped a new album and Kat must have liked it.  She hasn't met Eben yet, but I tell her a lot about him. 
About 10 minutes into our car ride, she told me something that hit me hard.
"You know, I don't understand relationships.  Having a relationship is basically like having a really good best friend that you kiss and go places with.  It's like, how can you meet someone that you like more than a friend?" 
I didn't know how to respond to her.  In a way she was right. 
"I don't know Kat."  I said looking her in the eyes.  Her eyes looked fully blue, which was weird because her eyes were mostly green and brown.  Was she okay?
"Kat, are you okay?"
She looked at me, her eyes still blue.
"Yeah, I think so.  Why?"
"Because your eyes are blue." 
"Really?  I guess I'm just confused, that's all."
"About what?"  I asked.
"I haven't been feeling good lately.  One minute I'm happy and the next second I'm sad, then the next second I'm feeling angry.  It's like, I'm on my period, but yet I'm not, you know?"
"Yeah. I understand."
I actually didn't understand, but I just shrugged the thought off.
We finally arrived at the hiking trail. We hiked and talked about life. Finally we got up to the HollyWood sign.


I was amazed at how beautiful California was from so high up. I looked at Daniel, then back at the view. We started to hike back down to the car. I wasn't feeling so good, I thought maybe I was dehydrated, so I drank water, that didn't help. I was really dizzy and could barely stand anymore.
"Daniel, I don't feel good." I said holding onto him for support since everything around me seemed to be moving. Daniel grabbed me and picked me up. He started walking faster. I saw a tear stream down his face. Then he wiped a tear away from my face. And then, everything went black.

Secrets • Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now