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Katalinas POV
It was 6pm. I was waiting for Daniel in Central Park. I was sitting on the bench when I saw Daniel walking over.
"Hey. can I sit." Daniel said, pointing to the bench.
"No, you can't." I got up off the bench and looked him in the eyes.
"Let's go for a walk."
"Kat, can we please just talk?"
"We are, we are walking while talking."
"Fine" Daniel groaned.
"So, what do you want to talk about Daniel."
"Well, it's just, we haven't talked in awhile and I wanted to see how your life was going."
My life was going terrible. But for some reason I lied to him.
"My life if going good." A lonely tear rolled down my face. Daniel sat down and motioned for me to follow him. I sat next to him, trying not to cry.
"Kat, look me in the eyes and tell me that your life is good and that everything is perfectly fine."
I shook my head no.
"Fine. Katalina do you want to go somewhere else?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Okay, How about we go to my hotel."
"Don't you share a room with the boys?"
"Nope, I'm the only one who isn't sharing a room."
I slight smile appeared on my face. Daniel soon had a smile on his face too.
"Come on." Daniel said getting up and reaching for my hand.
We got up to his hotel room. Daniel sat on his bed and motioned for me to sit as well. I laid down, looking up at the ceiling.
"My mom has cancer."
Daniel looked at me with a shocked face.
"Kat, I'm so sor-."
"Stop it Daniel. Please don't say your sorry, I hate it when people say that."
He looked at me with a sorry face.
"How long has she had it?"
"One month after we broke up."
He started fidgeting with his sweatshirt.
"I've been getting so much hate from your fans. I bet you a million bucks that if you went on my most recent Instagram post, you'd find 1000 comments that all say the same, mean, cold blooded things."
"Kat, I never meant for this to happen."
"Daniel, it's fine, really, it is.  But can we please stop talking about me and talk about you instead?"
"Okay fine, I guess we can talk about me.  I'm pretty sure you know that I have a girlfriend named Bryana."
He looked at me with no emotion on his face.
"Yeah I do know.  And I'm happy for you Daniel, I'm happy that you've moved on from me."
I gave him a fake smile.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means that I'm happy that you've moved on from me.  No need to be stuck on me forever."

Daniels POV
I let that last sentence sink in.
"No need to be stuck on me forever."
Then I realized it!  I was still stuck on Kat!  I didn't truly love Bry, I loved Kat!
No matter how many times I tried telling myself that I've moved on from Kat and that I love Bry now, I knew it wasn't true.  What came out of my mouth next, was unexpected.
"I love you Kat."
She looked at me with a really confused look on her face.
"I love you Katalina.  I've loved you the first second I laid eyes on you."
"Daniel, you have a girlfriend, you can't love two people at the same time."
"That's the thing Kat!  I don't love Bryana.  No matter how many times I tell her that I love her, I don't!  I love you Kat!"
She stared at me for a second until we heard her phone buzz.  She looked down at her phone and went completely white. 
"Kat are you okay?"
"I need to go Daniel, I'm sorry."
She got up and ran after the door.
"Kat! Wait, tell me what's wrong."
She turned around and looked at me.  She didn't speak, she just stood there, looking like she just saw a ghost.
I moved closer to her.
"Kat, what's wrong."
I spoke softly this time.
"My mom is in the hospital and they don't think she's gonna survive."
"Where is the hospital?"
"Albany." She replied.
"Do you want me to come with you?"
She nodded her head yes and opened the door. 

I texted the boys once we got into the Uber and I told them where we were going. 
Kat had tears flowing down her face. 
I wrapped my arms around her and she laid her head on my chest.  I ran my fingers through her long blonde hair. 
"Daniel, what do you think your girlfriend would say if she saw us right now?"
I thought for a second.
"She would breakup with me."  I replied honestly. 
Kat sighed and laid her head on my lap.  We stayed like that pretty much until we got to the hospital.
Kat immediately ran into the waiting room. I followed close behind her. 
"Hi, I'm here to see Lisa Murr."  She told the lady at the front desk. 
"Room 113." The lady replied. 
She turned to face me.
"Do you think you could stay out here?  I'll come get you when I'm done."
I nodded my head and sat down.
Katalinas POV
I slowly walked into the hospital room.  I saw my mother on the bed, my brother holding one of her hands, he had tears running down his face, and I saw my sister in the corner, pacing back and forth.
I immediately burst into tears.   I ran up next to my mom and took her right hand.   She looked at me weakly.
"Kat, I love you sweetheart." 
She was barely audible.
"I love you too mom.  I'll always love you."  She gave me, my brother, and my sister one more sad smile.
"I love you guys." 
And with that, she died.  She just plain out died, she used her last bit of energy and died.
The doctor came in and told us that we had to go in the waiting room until further notice.  I ran out, immediately going into Daniels arms.  I burst out crying.  He held me tighter then he's ever held me before.  We stayed like that for a long time.  I finally pulled away from him.  I gave my sister and brother big hugs as well. 
I told my brother and sister that I was going outside.  Daniel came with me.
"Sh- she's gone Daniel." 
I looked up at him, his eyes were full of sadness.  He hugged me again, not even saying a word.
"Daniel?"  I said, looking up at him.
"Yeah Kat?" 
"How long are you gonna be in New York for?"
"Two weeks."
I smiled, knowing that it wasn't that much time, but knowing that I'll at least get to show him my love for him one last time before he goes back to his actual girlfriend.
My brother and sister came outside  and joined us.  I really just wanted to go back to LA, but I couldn't. I had to finish school. Uggh, I missed Daniel and the boys so much.
We stood outside for a while talking about whatever came to our minds. My brother, sister, and I talked about old memories we had together while Daniel stood there smiling and occasionally laughing along the way.
At one point, my brother and I were talking, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Daniel take a picture of me. I wasn't really that concerned about it because to be honest, I looked pretty good considering I had just been crying not that long ago.
Although my mom just passed away, I was happy.  I was happy because Daniel was here.  I was happy that he got along with my siblings.  I was just happy.
A/n: hey guys! I just want to say thank you for 300 reads!  Also, sorry that the beginning of this chapter kind of sucked.

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