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It's been one week since I met Kats sister. It's also been a week since I asked Kat to go on tour with the Guys and I. At first she didn't like the idea because she felt like she was invading. But two days ago she told me that she would come. Today was the day that we were leaving for Europe. We had a pretty early flight so I had to pick Kat up at 6 am. All the boys were asleep, except for our Uber driver who kind of had to be awake. I was also awake. I had saved a spot right next to me so that Kat could sleep on me if she wanted. I helped her get her suitcases out of her apartment and into the car. She sat down next to me and kissed my cheek softly.
"Thank you for this." She said, laying her head on my shoulder and closing her eyes. I kissed her cheek and then rested my head, on her head and went to sleep.
I heard all the boys getting out of the car and talking. We were at LAX.
Kat kissed my lips softly and got out of the car.
Everybody grabbed their suitcases and went inside. We had some time to spare after we got through security and everything so we went to Starbucks. Fans were bombarding us with screams and bright camera flashes. None of our fans knew who Kat was yet so they kept looking her up and down, then realized that we were holding hands.
"Is She your girlfriend Dani?" One fan asked. I didn't know what to do so I just smiled at the 12 year old girl who asked.
We finally landed in Europe. Specifically London. As we were trying to get outside to our Uber, we saw a huge crowd of fans screaming and yelling our names. This was probably scary for Kat so I held her hand. I smiled reassuring her that everything was going to be okay.
Our security guards helped us get through the crowd of people.
"Ew who's that ugly bitch holding Dani's hand?" I heard one fan say to her friend.
I knew Kat had heard because she just looked down at mine and hers hand, then back at me. I smirked at her, and wrapped my arm around her.
We had been in London for about 5 hours now. We had gotten a hotel. Daniel shared a room with Jonah and I, Zach shared a room with jack, and Corbyn shared a room with Eben. Jonah and Daniel were talking about something, but I wasn't really paying attention because I was to busy on Instagram. I was looking at pictures that fans were were posting, I also noticed that a few fans tagged me in posts. I didn't know how they knew who I was, I mean they must have stalked every Instagram account they could to find me. Also, yet again they could just see who Daniel follows and find me on there.
"Kat you want to go get something to eat." I looked up, Daniel was standing at the edge of the bed looking at me.
"Yeah, sure." I said and got up.
We arrived at some fancy restaurant.  I was extremely tired due to the time difference.  I sat next to Daniel and Corbyn.  Daniel laid his head on the table and fell asleep.  I laid my head on his back and went to sleep as well. 
I heard lots of talking and realized that our food was done.  Daniel was still asleep so Corbyn and Jonah decided to pour water on his head.  We ate our food and left.
3 days later
Today the boys had a show in London.  I've never been to one of their concerts so, I decided I would stand front row so that I could get the "fan experience"
"Kat come here!" Daniel yelled from backstage. 
He was shirtless, and was attempting to put a belt on. 
"I need help."  He said tugging on his belt.  He was extremely cute when he was frustrated.
"Awe is Daniel struggling." 
"No, I'm not, it's just that this stupid belt is not cooperating."  He said, clearly mad.
"Come here."
I bent down and helped him.  I was pretty close to him, which I didn't mind.  I got his belt on him and stood up.
I smiled and kissed him passionately.  It soon became a make out session. 
I pulled away.
"We can finish this later."  I stated, walking away from him and smiling.
The show started and all I could think about was Kat.  It didn't help that she was watching the show from the front row. 
At one point during the show, I looked at her and bit my lip.  Corbyn must've noticed because he looked at me and smirked. Man, I couldn't wait for the show to end.
The show was over.  I found Kat backstage talking to Christina.  I walked up behind her and grabbed her waist.  She smiled and said her last good byes to Christina.  We realized that all the boys were going out to eat, except for Corbyn.  Corbyn was with Christina, he was planning to take her on a date.  That gave Kat and I the perfect time to have time alone.
She changed into a crop top and a pair of pretty short shorts.  I was laying in bed and she laid on top of me.  We stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds, she then laid her soft lips against mine.  Our lips were moving in sync. She tugged on my shirt signaling for me to take it off.  I then took her shirt of as well.  She started to take my belt of and then take my pants off.  She started kissing my neck, leaving hickeys all over.  I then rolled on top of her.  I took her pants off.  As we were kissing, I knew that there was something I wanted to tell her.  I pulled away.
"I love you." 
"I love you too Dani."  She smiled and we continued.  For some reason, our kisses seemed more passionate now that we finally said I love you to each other.  The rest of that night was history.
A/n: thank you guys for 136 reads.  Also this chapter is pretty spicy😏

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