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Daniels POV
I was leaving for tour in a few days. Kat has been kind of distant lately. I was heading over to her house right now. She didn't know that I was coming, but I wanted to surprise her.

I arrived at her house. I knocked on her door. She almost immediately answered it.
"Oh hey bab-". I didn't even let her finish her sentence, instead I planted my lips against hers. I slowly moved my hands onto her waist. She rested her hands against my neck as we continued to make out. It was very passionate. I gently pressed her against the wall.
She pulled away a few seconds later. She smiled as she kissed me one last time.
"Hi to you too." She chuckled.
I let her go off the wall as she walked away into the living room, swaying her hips back and forth.
She laid on the couch and motioned me to lay down with her. She then changed her mind, got up from the couch and went to her room. I followed behind her.
She grabbed me by my waist and gently pushed me against the bed.
Kat and I have been dating for awhile now, so I wouldn't be mad if anything happened, if you know what I mean
She sat on top of me and stared me in the eyes. She gently kissed my lips.
"I love you."
"I love you too Kat."
"Can I tell you something Daniel."
"Yeah, sure".
"When we first started talking and becoming friends." She stopped for a second.
"Jonah a I." She stopped again.
"Okay well, Jonah, kissed me once. And then one other time, we did a little more then just kiss."
She looked at me, waiting for a response. Truth be told, I didn't have a response. My first thought was "I'm gonna kill Jonah"
"Daniel, before you say anything, just know I didn't want to do it."
"Then why did you?"
"Because the first time Jonah kissed me, he told not to tell you. I mean we weren't dating at the time but he knew you liked me."
She stopped for a second, getting off of me.
"The second time, he invited me over when no one else was home..."

Katalinas POV
Secret number six
I remember it like it was yesterday.  It was the second time Daniel and I had hung out at the Boys house.  Daniel and the rest of the boys went into the kitchen.  Jonah stayed behind with me outside.  He started flirting with me.  Soon, out of no where, he kissed me.  I told him I didn't like him like that.  He did apologize and told me not to tell Daniel.
Then, there was that one time Jonah invited me over when no one else was home.  Shortly after getting to his house, he asked me if I wanted a drink.  One drink became two drinks, then three drinks, and so on.  I somehow became very drunk.  I would say Jonah was pretty drunk too.  He convinced me to follow him upstairs.  We got upstairs into his room where he started kissing me.  I will admit, I didn't try to pull away.  Instead I just went with it, until the next morning when we woke up naked in bed together.  And that's when, I lost all of my trust for Jonah.
Daniels POV
I was at a loss for words.  My best friend, had sex with the girl I was in love with.  I didn't know who to be mad at.  I was mad at Jonah because I know that he was the one who was giving Kat the drinks.  I was also mad at Kat because I knew that she had the opportunity to tell Jonah that she didn't want a drink.  She also had the opportunity to tell Jonah that she didn't want to do anything with him. 
A tear rolled down my face.
"Daniel, please say something."
"Okay, I'm breaking up with you.  There I said something."
"Daniel.  It wasn't even like we were dating at the time."
"Yeah I know, but still, if you liked me that much, you wouldn't have done that with my best friend."
I got up off the bed and started making my way to her bedroom door.  I went to open the door but she grabbed my hand and pulled me back.
"Daniel, please don't go."
She had a pleading look on her face.  A tear rolled down her face.  I didn't like to see her in pain.
"Kat, I'm sorry."
And with that I walked out the door, giving Kat one more sad look.

Katalinas POV

1 month later
It has been one month since Daniel broke up with me.  I was at a all time low.  I had just recently gotten the news that my mother was in the hospital due to breast cancer.  Daniel hasn't texted me since he started tour.  One day he texted me and asked if he could come over and get a couple things he left at my house.
I lost all interest in everything.  I wasn't going to the smoothie shop every morning.  I wasn't going out to parties, I wasn't doing anything.  I had decided to fly out to New York to see my mom.  I was kind of scared to see her, mainly because I feel like she doesn't love me at all.  My flight wasn't for another two days.  My brother and sister had already flew out to New York.  So I kind of felt obligated to.  Uggh, could life get any worse.  Pretty recently, Jonah texted me and apologized.  Corbyn has also texted me and asked what happened.  It hurt me to much to see their names on my phone  so I blocked them.  As of right now, I fell like I have nothing to live for.

Jonah's POV
I couldn't believe what I had done. Each day, I had to see Daniel, and each day, I had to see how hurt he was. I never meant for this to happen. I never meant for them to break up. I tried telling Daniel multiple times that it was my fault, each time, his response was just "whatever". I wouldn't say we are back to being friends, but we had to be friendly to each other because we are on tour and we can't break up the band just because of Daniel and I. I've tried texting Kat a couple times to apologize, but she doesn't answer me. I couldn't believe that I did this to Daniel.

Daniels POV
Tour was going terrible. Each love song that we sang reminded me of Kat. I would look out into the crowd, expecting to see Kat smiling and dancing, just like she did on our last tour, but instead she wasn't there. I hadn't tried texting her. To be honest, I still love Kat. How can you just go from loving somebody one day, to not having one piece of love left for them the next. I wish, I could find her and give her one last hug. But I just keep telling myself,
"Everything has to come to an end eventually." And I guess this is one of those times.
A/n; hey guys! This chapter has a lot of emotion in it. I have to say, I am almost down with this story. But as of right now, more chapters will be coming within the next day or two!!  Also, if you guys are going through hard times, are thinking about harming yourselves, or just need someone to talk to, My instagram is @/wishing.multi.  Feel free to DM me so that maybe I can help you.

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