A/N: Future of This Story

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Hi all!!

*gasp* AN UPDATE!?! WHAAAAAT!?!?

I know, I know - it has been a LOOOOOOOOONG time

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I know, I know - it has been a LOOOOOOOOONG time. 2 years I think... Please don't murder me...

And I also know that this is an author's note and note and update. Plus I just unpublished the last chapter - I did this because I realized that there was an Elena-sized plot hole in the story, so I unpublished it until I decide how to fix it, or if I will fix it.

Now, on to the real reason I am uploading this note. All the "pls update," and "when are you going to update" comments and messages I have been getting lately.

There is a variety of reasons I haven't updated.One is lack of time - I swear to God honestly just haven't had time to sit down and write and I honestly don't see it getting any better, as I am applying for teaching positions now and will hopefully be a full-time teacher soon, which takes a lot of time and responsibility.Two is a lack of foresight. I honestly don't know where my books are going anymore. I honestly don't remember if I ever did... And that makes it hard to write because I don't have a set plan and I feel like I am just making it up as I go, which also effects the quality of the story.Third, I have kinda lost motivation and my connection to the stories. I was really invested in them at one time, but it has kinda fizzled out now. Maybe it is from being away from them for so long or maybe that is what lead me to take the long break.

Lastly, I recently got a new laptop and the stories are on the old laptop and I haven't moved them over yet...

So all those things combined, I just haven't updated and I am not sure when or if I will. I have been thinking about possibilities for the stories in the back of my head for a bit on top of everything else, and I'm not sure which path to take. The options I am tossing around are:

1) continuing, but having very slow and sporadic updates
2) discontinuing
3)giving the books over to someone else
4) publishing a sort of epilogue/note of where I think the books might have gone with some detailing. And then either:

a. publishing chapters if/when I want to that lead up to and support that epilogue

b. doing little one shots either showing events before or after the epilogue/note.

So yeah, sorry that is not an easy and concise answer but it's what I have for now...So, please give me your opinions on how to continue this - vote for your favorite option, or offer another suggestion.

Last and most important, I want to thank you all who have continued to read, vote, comment, message, and follow me, even with the distance I have put.

Love to you all,


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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