Chapter 1 - Portland

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I woke up screaming.

I sat up in bed, then tore the sheets off, standing up and throwing the closest thing to me – an alarm clock – at the wall. I went on a five-minute rampage, before calming down.

"I'm gonna kill the bitch." I muttered to myself before sitting down on the bed. I took a deep breath to control the anger. The switch was different this time – maybe I had broken it after all those years of it being off. It was acting more like a dimmer – I still felt some emotion sometimes, but not all of them and not all the time. Anger and sadness were the most prevalent emotions to burst through, and moments such as the one that had just happened were frequent in the morning.

"Chill, darling." came the familiar voice that always calmed me.

"I can't, Kol. I keep seeing it. Over and over and over."

A sadness crept into his voice. "I know."

I sighed, and sat on the bed, putting my head in my hands.

"I will avenge you, Kol. I can't let it go."

"I know you will, darling. You just need a solid plan first."

"I'm working on it." I grumbled.

"I know. And I also know that you have killed half the population of Portland in the past two days. And while I am proud of your killer instincts, you are drawing too much attention, Lizzie."

That made my head come up.

"I know. I will need to move on soon."


I sighed. "Good thing I travel light. I can be gone by tonight."

"Where are you going to go?"

"I'm not sure... I am not quite ready to enact my revenge plan yet – no comment needed – so I was thinking it is time to leave the U.S. I have traveled across the continent these last few weeks, and I just need to truly get away from it all." I mumbled, thinking through it.

"Paris is beautiful this time of year." Kol commented, and I could almost hear the smirk in his voice.

A smile spread across my face. "Yes, I bet. And with Valentine's fast approaching, there should be a wonderful stock of humans to choose from. Couples to rip apart. Alright, Paris it is!"

And with that, I was gone, my stuff forgotten. I could get all new stuff, and nothing held any sentiment anyway, not that I would know the difference at this point.

Paris, here I come!!

A/N: So here it is!! First chapter of the new sequel!! Merry belated Christmas everyone!!

It is short, but it is a chapter. And it holds a few juicy tidbits. She has gone full ripper, her switch is shot (wonder how that is gonna effect her), and she is hearing Kol (wonder how that works)...

THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING SO LOYAL AND SO PATIENT AS I WORKED THROUGH MY PLANS FOR THIS SEQUEL!! I don't have an exact plan yet, but it is going to be different from my last attempt at the sequel – very different.

Updates are going to be tremendously slow, but I figured this would be a nice present for all of my loyal readers! :) Merry Christmas to all!! (Or whatever holiday you celebrate.)

P.S. An update for "Falling" will be up within the next week hopefully.

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