Prologue: What Are You?

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-Third Person-

A group of 4 college girls stumbled out of a frat house, drunk and laughing.

"You should have seen his face when I pushed him off of you!" one of the girls yelled out, laughing. All the girls laughed with her as they stumbled down the sidewalk, heading back to their apartment, not far from the frat house. They all lived together in a little apartment not far from campus, in a little rural town about 50 miles from Portland.

"Maddie, you are such a cock block!" one of the girls yelled, pushing the one who had spoke before. The girl, Maddie, shoved her friend, Allison, back.

"Hey, I'm just trying to keep you from getting pregnant." she cried, giggling. All the girls laughed. Maddie stumbled and fell to the sidewalk.

"What the hell?" she grumbled, turning around, only to let out an ear piercing scream. A guy lay across the sidewalk, his neck ripped open, his head barely attached to his body. The girls looked down to see what the commotion was, and one by one, they all started screaming as well. Allison threw up all over the sidewalk. They were all too busy to notice that a figure was creeping up behind them, until the figure grabbed the farthest girl from the group. She let out a small squeak, which was quickly silenced by a hand over her mouth.

Allison turned around to discover the girl gone missing.

"Guys?! Where's Crysta?!" she shouted. They all turned in circles, calling out "Crysta? Crysta!"

That is until Crysta's head was thrown at the girls. They all started screaming, and crying. The one girl, Rayna, tried to run back to the dorm, only to be pulled into the shadows, where the two girls could hear her scream, until it slowly faded away.

Allsion and Maddie stood huddled together, shaking and crying. Slowly, a dark figure made its way towards them. They both screamed. A girl with black hair and red highlights in her bangs stepped out of the shadows towards them. The girl had blood all over her mouth and chin, with blood staining her shirt as well. Her eyes were red as well, with dark veins running underneath. She stood a few feet away from the girls, a small smile on her face and a wicked gleam in her eyes, seemingly enjoying seeing them quiver and cry. Her eyes slowly turned from red to an icy blue.

"W-who are you?" Maddie finally managed to ask, after a few minutes of silence. The smile grew on the girls face.

"Wrong question. Not who - but what." the girl said, before lunging at the girls. The girls let out a scream, and broke apart. Allison ran back towards the frat house, screaming. She could hear Maddie crying out in fear and pain. Her cries were got quieter, until they were gone completely. Allison could dimly see the lights of the frat house ahead when she was pulled back by her hair. She screamed and fell to the ground. The girl stood over her and smirked. Allison tried to crawl away, but the girl stomped down on her leg, which Allison could feel shatter. She cried out in anguish. The other girl laughed, and grabbed Allison by the arm, hauling her to her feet. Allison looked at her in terror.

"What... what are you?" she stammered. "Why are you doing this? Are you going to kill me?" she rambled.

"Me? I'm a vampire. I do this because it is fun, and I am hungry. And you? Yes. I am going to kill you." the girl answered, grinning wickedly, before tearing into Allison's neck. Allison let a scream of pain and terror as she tried to fight against the girl, clawing at her face and hands. But it did no good. She could feel the life drain out of her. Her fighting grew feebler, and her screams became chocked off. As the last drop of blood ran out of her, her arms fell limp to her sides. The other girl dropped her to the ground, throat torn out. She dragged the body back to the others, where she created a line of body's and body parts.

The girl pulled a knife out of her pocket, and proceeded to bend down and carve two letters into the wrists of each of her victims. She stood up, surveying her work. She smiled, and nodded in approval, then walked away, putting the knife back into her jeans.

She strolled down the sidewalk, away from the frat house. She had had enough fun for now. She wanted to go and clean up, which is what she did.


The next morning, the campus was a buzz talking about the supposed serial killer on the loose. The sidewalk to the frat house was blocked off, and police and EMT's were everywhere. None of them had seen anything as grotesque as this ever, especially in their small town. All they could do is stare at the barely intact bodies and the carvings on their wrists.

'K' 'M'

A/N: So here is the updated prologue. Major thanks to @HayleeFelderet for coming up with the new initals on the wrist. That will be explained in another chapter - or just go read her comment on the preview in 'TOS'...

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