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Hi everyone!

Welcome to Chapter 1 of Into the Deep!

I really hope you guys enjoy the very first chapter. This was a long time coming and I hope you guys are excited to read it!

I'll keep this short- Thank you for all of the support so far! You're all great!



-Y/N's Point of View-

I looked up at the building in front of me.

Midtown School of Science and Technology.

It was nerve-wracking, standing here, thinking about what I was here for. I didn't know how long it would take, but I knew I had to do it. The first thing to do, though, was to blend in.

I took a deep breath, walking towards the entrance.

Here you go, Y/N. I thought.

I pushed through the doors and looked around at the open hallway in front of me. Crowds of teenagers scurried past, their chatter heard from every direction. I searched for a sign that would point me to where the front office was. I continued walking, looking along the walls. This school was huge! I don't know how I would make it through the day.

"Are you lost?" A voice came from behind me. Ugh, I knew I looked confused. I turned around and was greeted by a plump boy with a big grin. My instincts picked up that he could possibly be... Hawaiian?

"Uh, yeah... I'm new here. I'm looking for the reception office?" I told him.

"I'll show you the way!" He cheered. The bell sounded off in the background.

"Aren't you going to be late to class?" I asked him.

"I'll get a pass! They know me well here. Don't worry about it."

"Okay... thank you."

"Come on!" He waved his hand towards the direction he was walking. I followed closely behind him. "I'm Ned, by the way."


"It's nice to meet you, Y/N!"

"You, too!"

"You know, I don't usually talk to people like this... Well, I try, but I'm usually ignored or the conversation gets cut short. So thanks for giving me the time of day!"

"You gave me yours, didn't you? And besides, everyone deserves a chance to be heard... You don't have friends here you can talk to?"

"Yeah! I do!" He turned a corner and continued walking. "I have a best friend. His name is Peter. And I'm on the academic decathlon team here so I have those guys, too. But usually, it's just Peter and I."

"At least you have someone here..."

"What about you? Where did you come from? Any friends?"

"Uh..." I quickly came up with a lie. "Yeah. I didn't come from too far. I came from Horace Mann. I have a best friend there. His name is Emmett."

"Just the one friend? That's surprising, considering this..."


"You know. Talking to a random stranger, getting along with them... You socialize well."

"Well, you approached me first! I don't know if I would have socialized much..."

"Even so, you come off cool! It wouldn't surprise me if you had the whole school at your feet by tomorrow," he joked. "Just don't forget who helped you on your first day."

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