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Hey y'all! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Sorry it's been a while. I was going to update this earlier but time was really weird and I was frustrated. But I said I'd update this (before the new year but TOO LATE), so here I am!! Much, much later than intended... Shhh....

Anyway, it's late. I'm sorry. I'll try to be more present here. 2021 goal!

I hope you still enjoy it. :)


-Peter's Point of View-

"Kid! What are you doing here?"

I looked up at the camera hanging over the entrance of Mr. Stark's place.

"Hey, Mr. Stark! I just... Wanted to see how things were going with that necklace." I lied.

I jumped back, bumping into Ned as the doors in front of me slid open. Mr. Stark stood there with his usual smirk.

"Parker. Leeds. Come on in." He greeted, stepping aside. We walked inside and waited for him to lead us on. He stepped around us and looked at us with an even bigger smirk. "I've got someone for you to meet."

I gave him a weird look. "Who?"

Mr. Stark simply ticked his head over and started walking. We followed him down the corridor until we got to the lab doors, which immediately opened as soon as we neared it. At the lab table was Bruce Banner, otherwise known as the Hulk... when he gets angry. He was looking into the microscope Mr. Stark had used last night.

"Banner! I'd like you to meet Mr. Parker." Mr. Stark bellowed. Bruce looked up and smiled, stepping off of the platform and making his way towards us.

"Hi, I'm Bruce Banner." He greeted, sticking his hand out.

"Peter. Uh, Peter Parker." I replied, taking his hand and shaking it.

"Nice grip! Who's your friend?"

"Oh, uh, this is Ned Leeds, my best friend."

"Hi, oh wow, you're the Hulk! I love what you do, man!" Ned enthused, practically bouncing on his toes.

Bruce chuckled, "Uh yeah, it's... It's something. Thanks." He looked at me. "So you're that Spider-Kid, huh?"

"Spider-Man. Yeah." I nodded.

"Cool! You're a smart kid!"

"Aah, well, book smart maybe. You've got a PhD!"

"Seven PhDs to be exact. Not bragging or anything." He shrugged.

"Sure you aren't, Banner. So, what do you have on that necklace?" Mr. Stark cut in.

"Right, well, let's go take a look."

"Weren't you just looking at it?"

"Do you want to see what I'm seeing or not?"

Mr. Stark put his hands up. "Oh, come on, let's not anger the beast now."

"What? I wasn't getting angry."

"Calm down, Banner!"

"Tony, what are you-"

"Look, I think we should just relax and see what's up with this necklace."

Ned nudged my side. "This is funny." He whispered amusingly.

"I've been trying to get to the necklace but you-"

"I'm just messing with ya, Banner!" Mr. Stark slammed a hand onto Bruce's shoulder. "You're a funny guy."

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