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I'm so sorry for the late update! I know I'm a day late, but still, I didn't want to be late at all! I was super busy putting together a slumber party for my niece and time escaped me. I hope you guys don't mind the Sunday update! ONWARDS!


You have the ability to plug your favorite actor or whoever to be "Emmett", considering these are fictional characters. Obviously, Tom is taken as Peter and whatnot. When I write this, I picture Noah Centineo for some reason. Now, I'm not one of those huge Noah fans who thinks he's hot tits. He's alright to me (pls don't hate)! He's just who I happen to picture when reading/writing this. But you let your imagination take you anywhere!

(p.s. Parker > Krasinski)



-Y/N's Point of View-

I groaned, looking at Emmett sitting at his desk as he took note of things on his computer. I dropped back onto his bed and stared up at the ceiling.

"Emmett, I don't know what to do." I sighed.

"Well, I would say that you should definitely get out more. You might discover new things. Going to that school is a start." Emmett spoke, tapping away at his keyboard.

"Going to the school was supposed to just be for research and for use of their labs. I don't know where to start."

"Get comfortable. That's where to start. You can't expect all this information to come to you at once. This may take more time than you would want it to."

"... I met these guys today... They were really nice..."

"Oh... yeah?" A touch of disappointment sat in Emmett's voice. Weird.

"Yeah. But... I don't think it would be such a great idea hanging around them." I murmured.

Emmett turned around in his chair. "Why not?"

"Because... it might be dangerous. It seems that they're the ones who get picked on at the school. Some guy came up and poured water all over one of them, and it got on me."

"What!?" Emmett shot up from the chair.

"Relax! I got out of there as fast as I could. I locked myself in a closet just before I could transform." I told him, sitting up on my elbows.

"And no one saw you?"

"No. I just dried up in the closet and walked back out when I was back to normal."

"Good... Well... I don't think this should stop you from hanging out with them. They could provide resources. And besides... you need friends there... even if they're guys..."

"I guess... I'm just worried they'll find out about me and freak out. This type of thing isn't normal, ya know."

"Oh, I know. Flashback to when I found out." Emmett chuckled.

Right. When Emmett found out that I was a mermaid, he passed out. Emmett has been my best friend since I can remember. We were two normal kids. It wasn't until I went on a vacation to Fiji with my family the summer before freshman year that things became weird for me. I went on a little boat tour to an island with a my mom and a few other people. On the island, I somehow got separated from the group. I found a beautiful, clear, natural spring in the middle of this big cluster of trees. It was well hidden. The trees were large and tall, but the spring was small. The water was so tempting to me. Something drew me towards it. So I walked down to it. Before I could even look into it, a ray of sunshine shone through the branches of the trees and landed directly on a moss covered rock on the other side of the spring. It was like something was directing me to go look at that rock. There was something shimmering on top of it. I couldn't see what it was until I got closer.

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