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Hello friends!

Two weeks later and I'm updating. It's not Sitter, but it's something, right?! I'm still kind of stuck on Sitter, but I might have an idea to move forward. Not sure though. I'm updating this one because I finished Chapter 6 and decided to post Chapter 3!

I feel a little bit more recharged after my short break, but I'm going to be working more hours at work this week, so I don't know if there will be another chapter so soon, but we'll see! Anyway! Onto the important stuff! I hope you all like this chapter! If you've read this far, that means you really care and you're a gem. Thank you.



-Y/N's Point of View-

It was the next day, at school, and after fourth period. The day had been going by quite quickly. Much quicker than yesterday. I was in the cafeteria, nervous, just thinking about what had happened yesterday. I kept my fingers crossed all day, hoping Flash wouldn't come and try to pull another water prank on Peter or Ned. I'm not going to lie, I was definitely on edge.

My eyes skimmed over the pages of the book I was reading at the lunch table. I was waiting for Peter and Ned, who were getting their lunch. I wasn't very hungry, so I just went straight to the same table we sat at yesterday. To pass time, I pulled out my book. I was pretty into it until someone spoke and snapped me out of it.

"You know that's Peter Parker and Ned Leed's usual spot, right?"

I looked up and saw a girl at the far end of the table. She had brunette, curly hair, gathered in a messy low pony tail. Her tone was low, eyes looking tired. She sat in a slouch, but an almost alert slouch. She had a single eyebrow raised at me. She didn't look too familiar. She definitely wasn't there yesterday.

"Uh, yeah. I know," I nodded, looking back down at my book.

"So what are you doing sitting there?" She questioned.

I looked back up at her. "Well... They're my friends." I replied.

She squinted her eyes. "Parker and Leeds? Having friends? Very unlikely. Those guys are losers."

"Not to me." I shrugged.

"Are you sure about that?"

I sighed, "Very sure." I looked down at my book again, trying to focus on the words I left off at. Who was this girl? Who was she to judge Peter and Ned, or the fact that I sat with them and considered them my friends? I mean, they did say that the whole student body was like this. But this girl didn't seem like that type of person. She sat alone. I know I've only been here for a day, but from what I've observed, everyone sat with someone. Peter and Ned had each other in that sense. But boy, was this girl opinionated! And vocal about her opinions, too! I shook my head, shaking the thought of her out of my mind.

"Hey, Y/N!" I heard Ned call.

I looked up and smiled. "Hi, Ned." I greeted as he sat down across from me

"Are you sure you aren't hungry?" He asked.

"Yeah. I guess I have no appetite right now." I nodded.

"Hey, guys!" Peter came from behind Ned, walking around the table and sitting next to me.

"Yo!" Ned hollered, taking a bite of his sandwich,

"Hi, Peter," I greeted.

"Hey, Y/N. Um... I know you said you weren't hungry, but..." Peter reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled out a granola bar. "I got you this, in case you change your mind."

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