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Holy cow. This chapter has been finished since July of 2019. I suck.

Anyway, please take the time to read my most recent post on my profile, if you can! Let me know what you think!

I don't have much to say except I'm sorry for the wait. I hope you enjoy anyway.


-Peter's Point of View-

"Okay, I can see why you like this place so much! That was a really good sandwich!" Y/N exclaimed, sitting back in her seat. We had been sitting at her dining room table for the past hour, just chatting and eating what we brought from Delmar's. It was really nice being here with her after everything that happened the night before. It didn't feel as awkward. I mean, it was still awkward, because I'm just... Awkward. But, it wasn't the tense feeling of knowing things got off on the wrong foot last night and stayed on the wrong foot. Until now, that is.

"I knew you'd like it!" I smiled.

"Peter goes there almost every day!" Ned chimed in.

"I don't know how I've never been! Or even seen it!" Y/N shook her head.

"Maybe... We can go tomorrow after school?" I asked nervously.

"It sounds like a plan!" She grinned.

I smiled and nodded. "Awesome."

"Speaking of plans..." Ned started.

"What?" Y/N turned to look at him.

"Pete?" Ned looked at me, causing Y/N to face me.

"Um... Well..." I gulped and looked down. "Mr. Stark is going on this... trip... underwater... in a submarine, of course. We're going along with him. He wants to collect substances to test. He told us to invite you... if you want to go." I explained.

She sat up rapidly and crossed her arms. "What are... Um... What are you guys testing those substances for..?" She asked.

"Oh uh... Just-"

"Ya know, Mr. Stark, being a genius and all, has a submarine, and Bruce Banner, you know, the Hulk, needed one for this thing he's studying. Bruce is a scientist. He didn't say what for exactly, but Mr. Stark is letting him use the submarine and he asked Peter to go along for the internship. He invited me along, too! So, naturally, he asked for you, too." Ned covered.

Whoa. For once, Ned did a great job covering for me!

"Oh! Um... Well... I'm not sure that's a good idea." Y/N replied.

"You don't want to come along?" Ned questioned.

"I mean, I-... I would love to. I just... I can't. I shouldn't."

"What do you mean you shouldn't?" I asked her.

"I just... Can't."

"Okay... Well, you're missing out! I know Pete would really like you there!" Ned beamed.

My eyes went wide as I slowly turned my head to Ned. He smiled brightly. I could feel Y/N's eyes on me. I closed my eyes and turned back to her, opening them and smiling slightly. She blinked, a tiny smile appearing on her lips. I could see an apologetic look in her eyes.

I cleared my throat. "Well, uh, y- you don't have to come. But it would be cool to have you there."

"I really, really would love to go..." She sighed. "But I can't... I'm sorry."

I nodded. "That's okay. We just thought to ask."

"Thanks for asking..." She murmured, looking down.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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