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Hi friends!

It's been a while since this has been updated and I've had a few chapters written for a while, I just never posted them for some reason. I did some editing for this chapter today and decided why not post it? I'm sorry it's been so long. I hope you enjoy it! Onwards!


-Y/N's Point of View-

"So this whole time, we've just had this big group of heroes saving lives and I never knew this!?" I exclaimed as I walked on the sidewalk with Peter and Ned.

"Yes!! I can't believe you never knew about the Avengers!" Ned cried.

"It's so crazy to me! Wait, so Peter, if you work for Stark... Have you met them? The Avengers?"

"Umm, well, some of them." Peter shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"He's really chill with Spider-Man!" Ned blurted.

Peter's head immediately snapped towards Ned and his eyes went wide.

"Really? Isn't he, like... one of the newest?" I asked.

"Uh... Um- yeah. I- I guess." Peter stammered.

"That's cool. It must be pretty sweet working for Tony and getting to be around all that action."

"It's... definitely a lot of action."

"I almost feel like I work for him with all this gear he gave me..." I gestured to everything I had on me. Tony had gone full out when talking to me about himself. The guy has history! He wanted me to remember him (like I could ever forget!) so he threw all of these gifts at me. A Stark Industries baseball hat, a hoodie, a backpack, a Bluetooth speaker, a water bottle, an umbrella, sunglasses, and a lot more. I stuffed everything into the bag and kept the hoodie and hat on myself while I carried it on my back.

"You know, I never got any of that kind of stuff! And I work for him!" Peter pointed out.

"Wait, so we have gear from Stark Industries and you don't!?" Ned gasped, pointing at the hat on his head, which was the exact same as mine.

"Ned, all you got was the hat."

"Hey, that's because I knew about Tony and the Avengers! If I didn't, he probably would have given me the same stuff!"

"I don't know about that..." Peter chuckled.

I giggled as Ned gave Peter a death glare. Peter glanced at me before quickly looking away and down, a small smile appearing on his face. I looked forward for a bit, walking in silence. Before it got too awkward, I turned to them again.

"Hey, thanks for bringing me along today! I had a lot of fun! And learning about everything was really cool." I told them.

"Oh- y-yeah! No problem. Thanks for coming. Mr. Stark would have given us a lot of crap for not bringing you." Peter replied.

"He really wanted me to come, huh?"

"Oh yeah. But we did, too!" Ned exclaimed.

"Aww, well, thanks! It really was cool. I'm really glad we did this. And I'm really glad I met you guys. I don't know what I would be doing at the school if it wasn't for you two."

"Well, uh, Ned! Ned helped you out!" Peter spoke.

"You did, too! And meeting May today was awesome, too. She's so great! Honestly, you guys have just been the best. So thank you."

"No problem! Oh hey," Ned stopped in front of an apartment complex. "This is me. Do you guys wanna come in?" He looked at us.

"I would but I should get home and study for the Spanish quiz tomorrow," Peter told him.

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