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Y/HC: Your hair color


-Peter's Point of View-

I looked around, my eyes adjusting to the darkness around me.

Where is he...?

I heard a noise behind me and jumped around. "Come on out!" I shouted. I prepared myself to shoot whatever web I might need. Whether it was one to swing from one place to another or to attack with.

Before I could even let another thought enter my mind, I felt a sudden blow in my side. I was launched through the air, sailing far back. A scream escaped from me for a short second before I was plunged into cold, salty water.

I flailed around, trying to find the edge of my mask. The eyes were zoning in and out and I couldn't focus on where I was. A sense of panic set in as I frantically searched the bottom of my neck. I felt myself sinking lower. Everything around me got darker. Breathing became difficult. I gave up on the mask and began swinging my arms up, hoping I could make it up to the top fast enough before my lungs gave out, but I could feel myself growing weaker. I slowed down, my vision fading. This was it. I was done. Sixteen years old and I was done for. I tried once more to force myself to swim up, but I could only do it for a few seconds before I went limp. Everything became a haze. My body began to succumb to numbness.

"Sensors malfunctioning," Karen spoke.

"Peter, you're in critic- cond- ion-" She began to cut out.

"D-anger-ous-" She continued.

"Losin-g connec-"

The sound of a shutdown rang in my ears. 

Everything was a tunnel to me.

I felt like I was about to black out. I let it happen. I couldn't go on.

Then I felt something under my arms. Something swooped me up. There was a sudden rush around me as the water pushed past my body.

Mr. Stark... I thought.

This had to be him, saving me, once again, from another water trip. Great.

My body was soon overcome by cool air. I felt myself being rolled onto a surface. I tried to focus my vision on who was there. All I could make out was a silhouette and Y/HC hair. They leaned over me and I could feel their warmth radiating over my cold body. It was the last thing I felt before I blacked out.


Hi! If you're new, welcome! If you're coming from another story, most likely Sitter, welcome to something new! 

I've been on a roll writing this story and I think I'm about ready to start sharing it! I know the prologue isn't much (I mean, it isn't supposed to be) but I hope it's enough to get you excited! I'm not sure how often I will update this story, especially since I'm writing TWO published stories now, but I will try to stay consistent in both stories! Until then... Patience!

Thank you for reading. Stay tuned for the first chapter! :)

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