That one word made it very clear who was at the door. Lisa gave me the directions I need to follow to find my hiding place.I get off the chair and run down the hallway ,careful not to make the boards creek and the pressure. After running up a few stairs I made it to the attic, cleaner than a normal attic, not a spec of dust to be seen, filled with shelves packed with books. I decide to hide behind one of the shelves which wasn't connected to the wall, I sit down with my back against the shelf and took deep, quiet breaths to control my breathing.
I listen to the conversation downstairs trying to get little information if there was any to get. It was the normal greetings and Lisa asked the person if they wanted a cup of coffee to get their day started. Beside for Lisa's voice I made out another female, much younger then Lisa, this must have been Avery, the one Alexandra wanted me to hide from.
After some small talk Avery asked the question that we, I, had dreaded," What is that smell? It smells like a rogue."
Lisa didn't hesitate and answered quickly," Oh, Darling, Alex was here earlier after she came back from the prison. She wanted to freshen up before going to a meeting, but because one of the prisoners were getting on her nerves she had to... uhh... take care of them."
Those pauses told me they were uncomfortable talking about what Alexandra does to people including me. I had to hold that thought because Avery questioned her again," Are you sure,Lisa? The scent is to strong to be a little blood and I thought I heard a heartbeat when I took a seat."
"Avery, stop worrying, there is nobody here so just drink your coffee while I go get something out of my room," Lisa said while getting up and walked out of the kitchen then Avery asked,
"Do you mind if I take a look at the bookshelves? I really need a new book, I can't reread that library, it gets boring having to start over for the second time."
Lisa took awhile to respond ,but said," Of course you can, just don't stay to long up there and don't take my current read, am I clear?"
I heard footsteps approaching fast up the stairs, the boards creeked under her steps. I hold my breath as I hear the door open and Avery walks in stopping dead in her tracks after entering. I could practically feel her gazing in my direction, but I sat my ground not moving a muscle as she walked up behind the shelf and slid a book out and start flipping through the pages.
Just then she stopped midway in turning a page and I hear her sniffing the air. She closes the book and starts making her way toward my side of the shelf, showing no sign of stopping, just as she was about to round the corner we hear Lisa calling from downstairs, saving me in the last few seconds.
Avery turns around, calls back and makes her way out of the attic before shutting the door and walking away.
I hear her tell Lisa," I have to go and see Alex before she starts worrying about me, you know how she can react."
They say their "goodbyes" and before Avery could walk out the door another person comes in. Assuming he's male by his deeper tone, they greet each other and Avery finally leaves after a few awkward minutes of small talk with him.
Right after she leaves the guy breaks off by asking," Where's the rogue?"
The only thing that went through my mind in that moment was, Oh shit!, he knows I'm here and that I'm about to get killed just as I got little freedom. For the first time in days I felt guinely felt scared for my life.
"No 'good morning, Lisa' ? Where are your manners? I raised you better than this. Anyway,he's up stairs in the attic,we can both go up to see him. Alex is coming in a minute, she just has to see Avery and make sure she didn't see him," Lisa said with a small sigh and the guy replied.
"Sorry, good morning,Lisa. You are not going in there with that rogue, he dangerous and he could--"
"Do nothing, he's been here all morning and he hasn't laid a single finger on me. No scars, scrapes or cuts on this body, he had a lot of chances to hurt me, but he didn't," Lisa cut him off which made him keep quiet.
I then heard their footsteps coming up the stairs so I got off the floor and stood with my shoulder against the shelf. The doors open and Lisa walks in with none other than the guy who whipped me a few days ago, Conrad, I think his name was.
At first we just had a very hard staring or glaring contest, not saying much, but then Lisa came between us making us break eye contact. Then we heard a knock on the front door which broke the silence.
"Let's just go downstairs, I think that must be Alexandra," Lisa said and walked out of the attic with Conrad in tow. I follow a few feet behind them and made my way down.
Lisa left me and Conrad alone in the kitchen to go open the door. Then Conrad finally spoke," Did you hurt her?"
First I was confused but remembered his and Lisa's conversation, then answered, "No, I didn't touch her. I might be a rogue, but I'll never hurt someone who helps me."
After what I said we were in silence again,but Alexandra finally came in with Lisa behind her. She looked the same way she looked when she bailed me out of prison earlier. Her cheeks were flushed, the cut on her cheek had healed but the scar was still visible and her hair was still down reaching her waist.
Conrad looked at her, bowed and greeted her with a respetful 'Alpha'. Then Alexandra said, " Conrad, thank you for coming this early, there are a few things I need to tell you."
Conrad gave her a confused look and replied," Alpha, with all do respect, but why is the rogue here with Lisa? He should be chained in a cell and be tortured for trespassing. What's going on here?"
Alexandra sighed and said, "I'll get to that but first, Matthew, this is Conrad Grace, my beta. Conrad, you already know who this is."
"Yes, Matthew Hunter, the smartass rogue who doesn't have any respect towards his Alpha," Conrad said insulting me which made me growl.
"Conrad,just shut up and listen first before you tear each other apart," Lisa said and we back off. I heard Conrad mumble a 'fine' and Alexandra carried on.
"Conrad, this is serious and I need you to be professional about this," she said trying to lighten the ,already, heavy mood.
He didn't say anything so Alexandra carried on," Matthew is my... my... He's my mate."
Her head hung low and her breathing was heavy as she said those words, it seemed like she was ashamed of the truth, but it was finally out. Another person knew what was going on and to be honest it terrified me. It felt like a burden placed on my shoulders.
There was a deadly silence where we waited in anticipation for Conrad's reaction and reply, we got our answer when he spoke and made it very clear what his thoughts were.
"Oh shit," with a disappointed look on his face or was it sympathy? He held the bridge of his nose and said," Alexandra, do you know what'll happen when the pack finds out about it?"
She nodded,"I know, Conrad. That's why we have two months to prepare."
That's when I finally spoke for the first time and asked," Prepare for what?"
Alexandra looked me in the eye and said," For the meeting."
Hey guys, I'm finally back from the dead and back on track. It has been a rough couple of weeks, from getting hit in the eye while playing sport to getting sick, but I'm back.
There isn't much else I'd like to say so... If you like the chapter please vote and comment.
Love you guys

So Cruel, yet so Beautiful. [ON HOLD]
WerewolfBook 1 - Storm Series Alexandra Storm The cruel and merciless Alpha of the Shallow Moon Pack. Queen of the werewolves. Alphas respect her and rogues quiver when they hear her name. But this all changes when one rogue turns out to be her mate. Matthe...