Chapter 33 - Silence is Key

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"Listen to the silence. It has so much to say."


It was the second week after Avery's passing and Alexandra hasn't spoken to me in a while. It happened a few days after her funeral. I couldn't blame her for her silence, she was heartbroken and I had to understand that.

Only problem was, Octavian was starting to feel abandoned. He was hysterical when he realised the change of emotions. He's been urging me to talk to her and comfort her, but I knew she needed her space. It was the same behavior as when Ryker attacked. The best I could do was try and keep him and myself calm until she's ready to talk about it.

We would occasionally bump into each other in the hallways, but she would just lower her head and keep walking. The weird thing was that Alexandra's original aura wasn't there, but a whole new person.

This has been going on for four entire days and I had to admit the library can only distract you for a certain amount of time. After a while it starts to become rather boring to the point where you just want to burn it down, but I kept myself in check.

Today was the fifth day of silence and I was back in the library. I lying down on one of the sofas reading one of Shakespeare's plays. I was just about to shut the book and take a walk when the doors suddenly opened to reveal Alexandra. I quickly sat up and put the book down.

Once again she had her hair in a braid with a few strands framing her face, she wore an oversized sweater and a pair of jean shorts. She walked over to me her arms folded over her chest.

She stood in front of me, looking up she asked,"May I join you?"

I nodded and motioned for her to take a seat next to me. She sat down beside me, she looked sad and nervous, the sadness I could understand, but why was she nervous?

"Thank you for being patient with me I know it seems like I'm avoiding you, but it's my way of dealing with loss, but you must know that by now because of my previous behaviour," she said.

"Don't worry, everyone has their own way of coping and yours is through silence and space. I have to respect that part of you even though it might drive me crazy with worry," I explained and a small chuckle left her lips.

She turned towards me and our eyes locked. Then she spoke, "I need to tell you something, it happened over the last four days and it made me realise that I'm not alone."

I was confused, but nodded for her to continue. "I've been bonding with Elektra, we've been talking for the past few days. We haven't had a real conversation in years, not after my parents' passing. I've only hurt her, verbally and physically abused her, it was a surprise that she even wanted to talk."

"What did you talk about?" I asked beginning to understand.

"It was mostly me apologising for everything, luckily she forgives easily. I let her take control a few times just to get the hang of things again."

"So it was her aura I was feeling and her who I bumped into in the hallways," I told her and Alexandra nodded. Now things started to make a little more sense.

Alexandra placed her hand on mine and lowered her head. She squeezed it softly,"Matthew, Elektra has been asking to meet you and tell you something."

I was surprised that she wanted to meet me, but I guess I was curious about her. Octavian then grunted and I reckoned that he wanted to meet Alexandra.

"Alright, I'd love to meet her, but Octavian wants to meet you."

Alexandra gave me a small smile, "It's a deal. See you soon, Matthew."

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