"It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare."
I sat with my head in my hand as I listened to the other alphas curse and yell at each other. We called an emergency meeting to inform then that Alexandra had been taken by Perceval, and as expected they didn't take it very well.
I clenched my jaw as they started getting on my nerves. These were the most powerful alphas in the land and they were fighting like children while their queen was missing. They were accusing each other of crimes comitted years ago and they were cursing the vampires to hell.
When I heard another alpha accusing us for starting a war, I snapped. I stood up abruptly and slammed my hands down on the table. Silence fell over them and those who were standing quickly sat back down. I glared at them as I spoke, "Can't you see? This war has been raging on for over a millennium and you are accusing each other for starting it. Aren't we all from the same maker or have forgotten that we are bound by the moon?"
The looked at each other shamefully as I continued, "We should be fighting side-by-side, not against each other. What would Alexandra have said if she saw her people devided like this? She's kept us safe under her rule and this is how we repay her?"
"Alphas, warriors, I'm asking you to fight in this war against a common enemie. To win and show them who is more superior. We shouldn't let these bloodsucking assholes take over our lands," I finished and sighed feeling my nerves calm down slightly.
The sound of a chair moving across the floor caught my attention and when I looked I saw Erica stand up. She gave me a slight nod as she said, "The Crimson Moon Pack will fight."
Her courage set off a chain reaction of alphas volutering to fight. Soon enough everyone around the table had stood and was bowing their heads to me. A wave of pride crashed over me as I looked at these courages warriors offering their lives for their queen and freedom from the chains that had been placed on them.
Once their eyes were back on me I ordered, "Ready your armies, we'll contact you once we have the plan set out and I promise you, we will walk away from those battlegrounds with a victory behind our names."
They started shouting and cheering as they finally regained their hope for the first time in years, I soon joined in. This was how it was meant to be, alphas united against a world trying to break them down.
After most of the alphas have left Erica pulled me to the side. We were outside because she was on her way back to her pack. A serious look on her face, her arms were crossed over her chest. She didn't look at me as she asked, "Matthew, how do you even know if we're going to walk out of this war alive? I mean, we're sacrificing our packs or people to win this battle. "
I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, "Erica, they took my mate away from me and is doing who knows what to her. I'm not looking for justice anymore, I want revenge. They've kept us under their thumb for to long and now it's time for us to fight back. I know I'm no alpha and I know what I'm asking you, but if we win this we'll be recognised as the royalty that we are."
She placed her one hand on my upper arm as sad smile formed on her lips while she said,"You have a way with words, Matthew. Alexandra is lucky to have someone that loves her as much as you do. As for the part where you're not an alpha, I have to admit I see some better potential."
"And what potential would that be?" I asked her a little confused.
"Potential of a king," was all she said before she started walking away from me, her short brown hair blowing in the slight breeze that had picked up from this morning.
"A king," I found myself repeating to myself before I looked up at the sky. I saw heavy gray clouds closing in over the pack indicating that a storm was approaching.
"Alexandra, I know you can't hear me, but just know I'm coming to find you. I'll find you if it means my end. Your people have vowed to help me and I'm so grateful for their courage. Lastly, just know I love you. I'll love you for the rest of my life," I spoke aloud up at the sky, like it was supposed to carry the message to her.
Closed my eyes as I felt the first drop of rain fall on my face, remembering that night Alexandra and I had ran through the storm. The mud on my face and how she jumped at the sudden crackle of lightning. The warmth of her hand on my face, I felt the sensation linger on my cheek as the rain started to fall more.
I walked back into the house soaking wet, I pushed my hair out of my eyes as I went in the direction of the stairs. I ascended them towards Alexandra's office, where I had last seen her. I haven't gotten it over my heart to clean up the mess which Perceval left after tearing it apart for good measures.
I opened the door slowly as if expecting her to still be there, the sun shining through the big window behind her. Her hand in her hair and writing down all the solutions to her pack's problems. Then she would look up and smile as I approached her. I would cup her face and give her a soft kiss as encouragement which she would happily return.
But my vision soon came to an end when I fully opened the door and saw the room incased in a dark gray veil. The once perfect interior destroyed leaving only fragments of a beautiful space. Things she once worked so hard on torn apart.
I fell to my knees and felt my chest tighten as tears threatened to fall from my eyes. I didn't even try and stop them and soon my cheeks were wet with tears as they flooded. I gripped my hair in frustration as a wave of guilt crashed over me with full force.
I blamed myself for not protecting my one and only love from the people who have treated us like dirt. I was responsible for not being bere when she needed me the most.
I cursed the vampires who took her away from me. They were hurting her for their own pleasure, they wanted her to suffer and feel like she was worth nothing to the people around her.
Lastly, I screamed at the Moon Goddess who was supposed to protect her creation, her children. She abandoned us to fend for ourselves in this world that doesn't accept us for who we are. Treating us like we're monsters that had to be kept in cages and away from public view. We were forsaken by the very people who were supposed to keep us safe.
What has become of the world we live in? We have to kill to show superiority. Innocent blood has to be spilt before anything is done to the matter. Not that any intervention that has been done has stopped much. But what do we care?
War is the only way to protect what is yours and if Perceval wants that, I will make damn sure he gets it.
Hey guys, the trip went on a little onger than expected, but here we are. My holiday has finally started so expect a few chapters to be published.
Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter. Please vote, comment and share.
Love you Raindrops

So Cruel, yet so Beautiful. [ON HOLD]
WerewolfBook 1 - Storm Series Alexandra Storm The cruel and merciless Alpha of the Shallow Moon Pack. Queen of the werewolves. Alphas respect her and rogues quiver when they hear her name. But this all changes when one rogue turns out to be her mate. Matthe...