Chapter 24 - Hello Brother

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"A brother is both your mirror and your opposite."


Alexandra and I both got up walked to the front door. Just before opening it I noticed how nervous Alexandra looked, her body was stiff and her breathing was heavy. She looked up at me and I gave her an encouraging smile just to calm her down.

He look a deep breathe and opened the door. I followed her outside and we walked down the concrete path to where a new car was parked.

In front of the car stood a man,which I assumed was Elijah, he wore a pair of black dress pants, a white button-up shirt, a black blazer hung over one arm and he had a pair of sunglasses covering his eyes.

He looked in our direction and a grin appeared on his face. He came walking are way, I stayed behind when Alexandra went towards him. They hugged each other once they were close enough.

They finally pulled away from each other and came walking my way. When they stood in front of me he took of his sunglasses. Standing next to each other I could see the resemblance between them.

Elijah had the same dark brown hair and fair skin. Like Alexandra he had light freckles across his nose and they smiled in the same manner. His eyes were different from Alexandra's, he had the same electric blue eyes, but mixed with it was a shade of dark purple, much like Marina's.

Just then Alexandra said, "Elijah, this is Matthew Hunter, my mate. Matthew, this is my brother, Elijah Storm."

"Nice to meet you, Elijah, I've heard great things about," I said, holding out my hand so he could shake it. He took my hand in a firm grip and shook it.

"That's good to know, atleast my little sister didn't tell you things to scare you," he said, he also had the Brittish accent Alexandra had.

We let go of each other's hands and Alexandra said in a joking tone, "Even if I had told him such things it won't do much, Matthew doesn't scare easily, believe me."

Elijah chuckled,"Then I guess there's no need for the scary, over protective brother."

The sound of wheels on gravel came from the driveway and we turned to see three cars coming in and all of them stopped next to Elijah's car.

First out of their car was Conrad, he walked round to the other side to open the door and Lisa got out. Next it was Raymond then finally from the third car was Avery.

All of them were casually dressed like me and Alexandra. Elijah was the only one wearing a suite, but I guessed that was his casual.

Lisa was the first to give Elijah a hug, he kissed her cheek and gave her a smile. He shook both Raymond and Conrad's hands then Alexandra introduced him to Avery. Atleast I wasn't the only one meeting him for the first time.

We all decided to head inside and Alexandra leads us to, which I assumed was, the dining room.

When we first entered I was stunned at how beautiful it looked. It was a giant hall made of white marble laced with tiny details that looked like gold. In the middle of the room sat a long oak table with eight leather chairs on each side and one chair on each main head of the table.

Mirrors hung on the walls and at the back there was a fireplace built into the wall two arm chairs facing it and a navy blue rug was placed in front of it.

To my surprise the table was already set with platters of food. Plates have been placed down for everyone and glasses stood ready to be filled.

"I hope you're hungry, I thought Elijah might be when he got here so I asked the maids to prepare the table so long," Alexandra said, her hands folded in front of her as she spoke to us.

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