Meeting Rose.

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Rose's pov.

I was finishing dinner up when I heard my parents screaming in their room, I knew they were going to divorce, but I would be heart broken if they did. 

I quickly grabbed my red hoodie, pulled on the hood and left the house with no keys. Didn't need them, I always left the window to my room open for me to climb up the building and through the window.

I wasn't paying attention when I was shoved into the alleyway by 4 men. I screamed as one leaned down and grabbed my wrist.

"What's a pretty young thing doing out here, all alone?"They all smiled wickedly. I ripped my hand away from his grasp and began to back away in fear. I pulled out my white Katana war fans in defense, It's helpful for attacks like this.

I watched as they began to pull out their weapons once I pulled out mine, I blocked their ninja stars with my fan and began to attack, I studied their movements before attacking

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I watched as they began to pull out their weapons once I pulled out mine, I blocked their ninja stars with my fan and began to attack, I studied their movements before attacking. I grew scared again as they grew angry, I watched as one of the men pulled out a tranquilizer dart. I shrieked as it hit my neck, my eyes became blurry as I fell to the ground. I felt their weapons being driven deep into my skin. On my thigh, right arm, and over my left eye, which never affected my eye or eyebrow as I went up to touch it, I gagged as I saw blood. I groaned and put my weapons away before being kicked. I hate getting scars, and being hurt by others. But I couldn't do nothing but watch. I heard their yells as a giant figure leap down from the rooftops and stayed in the dark. Soon I was picked up gently by strong arms

"Thank you."I whispered before falling unconscious.

Raph's pov.

I looked at her face and my breath hitched, she was very beautiful, her long silver hair in a ponytail, yet her her bangs were left down, her face was soft and she was very cute....I stopped myself from thinking about her beauty and focused on her wounds, I sighed and climbed to the roof, my 3 brothers waited there with April O'Neil and Casey Jones.

"What happened to her!"April exclaimed. 

"4 men came after her."I replied bluntly. 

"Let's get her to Donnie's lab."I said sternly.

"Raph! We can't bring a stranger into our lair! Master splinter will send us to the Hachi!" Leo yelled angrily.

"We can't just let an innocent die!"I growled.

"Oooooh, tension!"Mikey teased.

"SHUT UP MIKEY!"Leo and I exclaimed.

"Guys, she doesn't have much time left!"Donnie warned. We looked down at her as her breathing began to slow down.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to Master Splinter."April smiled. I looked away before I followed my brothers. Mikey held onto April while Casey held onto his shell.

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