I saw Sarah outside with her umbrella as we started walking home. "I'm gonna head to The DX to see Sodapop, you wanna come or are you just gonna head home?" Sodapop is Ponyboys older brother and Sarah's boyfriend. I mean it makes sense to have the prettiest greaser date the hottest greaser. I really like soda, he's sweet and caring. He's supposed to be a senior with Sarah and Steve but he dropped out of school so he could focus on earning money for Darry and Pony. "Uh I think I'll head home." I started my walk back home when I saw Dally in his car parked on the side. Dallas
Winston is one of a kind. He's a good friend of mine despite being older. He was really tough, scared of nothing. He wasn't one you would pick a fight with because he would win in a second. "Hey Dally!" I shouted getting closer. He was blowing a smoke out the window when he finally noticed me coming. "Jesus Tracy it's pouring! Get in the car! What the hell are you doing you could get sick." I hopped in the front seat of his beaten down car. "Sorry Sarah went to say hi to soda but I didn't want to." "I'll just bring you home, I was waiting for Tim Shepard but he's not worth my time." Then he drove off dropping me off at my house. I hoped out thanking him. "Go put some dry clothes on Tracy we don't need you dying around here." My gray t-shirt was no match for this rain. I ran inside slipping on leggings and one of Ponyboys flannels. He gave it to me once at the nightly double when I forgot a sweatshirt. I wear it all the time it's so comfortable.