soccer match - t. joseph

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y/n was doing laps around the field, preparing herself for the soccer game. being the only female on an all male team was rare, and it lead to her being underestimated by the other team almost always. the other team was watching her warm up, everyone had their arms crossed in an attempt to seem threatening.

the crowd barely just started showing up. it was y/n's team vs the other highschool's team. y/n's team was away, and the other was the home team. y/n's favourite practice was to run up and down the stair-like seats that were set up for the audience. it was a great way to prepare. as people started showing up, she finished that excersize and started kicking at the net, her team's goalie practicing to block those goals.

the goalie was her best friend, matthew, he was decently popular, a whole damn genius and such a sweetheart to everyone. they ended up becoming close when he asked for help with stopping goals because he constantly got mocked for failing at it. thanks to y/n, he became an expert.

they did their special handshake, the game started in mere minutes and the away team was 100% prepared. y/n waved the rest of her team over to create a plan, their coach wasn't the best, so the boys basically relied on her.

both teams were given time to create a plan. the ref blew his whistle and the game started. y/n's eyes scanned the area so her plan could be set into motion. the oppisite team had the ball first, so their number one priority was, get the ball, pass up to y/n and let her get the goal.

they all nodded to one another and set the plan into motion, while scanning the crowd, the cutest, most miserable looking boy that looked like he hated being here. she assumed his friends dragged him along or something.

the game went well, the final score was 7 - 3, y/n's team won. the teenagers were celebrating when y/n made her way over to the other team. she wasn't a sore winner in any way, and hoped to hopefully make some friends.

"hey, nice job out there," she tapped on the shoulder of the opposing team's goalie, he turned around, slightly annoyed, as he was deep in conversation with the miserable looking boy from earlier. his annoyed expression softened and he smiled at her.

"you too. y/n right? i'm josh," he held his hand out to shake hers. the 15 year olds shook hands and the other boy waved.

"and i'm tyler, i hate sports."

his statement made y/n burst into laughter, making tyler crack a grin. he thought she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.

"well, tyler, it's very nice to meet you," she said with a big smile. she could get lost in his chocolate brown eyes for hours, they were just so pretty.

"hey, y/n do you wanna hang out with us for a little bit?" josh asked, turning to tyler to wink. y/n saw tyler shake his head at josh uncomfortably.

does he not like me? she thought to herself, frowning.

she snapped out of her trance-like state and shrugged.

"uh, i'd love to, but my team is-" y/n turned around to gesture at them, but they had all left without her. "-oh, well. . since they're gone i guess i could stick around." she laughed, amused by the situation.


they spent hours on the soccer field, just talking about their interests and aspirations, even playing games like rock, paper, scissors and whoever can touch that tree the fastest, just for fun. eventually, y/n's mom showed up, (late) and she had to leave.

"hey, uh, y/n- i think you're really cool and uh, could you help me get better at soccer?" tyler asked, stopping her from getting into the car. she nodded, giving him a hug and a slip of paper with her phone number on it.

as the car drove away, tyler smiled to himself fistbumping the air. he was incredibly proud of himself.


i am aware that tyler was a sports lover as a kid, but it's an au it doesn't have to be realistic ok thx

-𝑮𝑼𝒀𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑬𝑹 ↝ 𝑬𝑴𝑶 𝑰𝑴𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑵𝑬𝑺Where stories live. Discover now