lonely pt. 2 - patrick stump x reader

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she felt her chest get heavy, as if uncomfortable. what was she to say to the ex who left her in a terrible place? he left her feeling broken and alone. in all honesty, she wanted to see him again, that's why she called joe in the first place. but she didn't know what to say.

"hey, pat,,,rick. patrick." y/n called him by the stupid nickname she had used when they were dating. she quickly fixed her mistake and invited the boys in, shutting the door behind them.

"damn, haven't been here in years!" joe exclaimed as he entered the living room, examining it with heavy detail. it barely changed. the walls were a different colour and the floor was shinier but those were the only differences. even the furniture was in the exact same way as before.

patrick examined the fire place, a certain photo caught his eye. y/n was smiling next to someone, but the photo's frame as well as the glass it was protected by was drowning in dust. before he could reveal who the mystery person was, y/n walked in and clapped to get their attention.

"sorry for bringing patrick unexpectedly, he refused to let me leave unless i told him where i was going and brought him along." joe said, sitting on the couch.

y/n laughed, that sounded like something patrick would do. patrick didn't want to seem rude and invade her privacy, especially when she was right infront of him, so he recoiled from the photo and sat down.

she took notice that he was looking at it and sighed to herself.

"it's no problem, it's good to see you guys again, i really missed you. how's andy and pete doing by the way?" y/n inquired, smiling at the boys and sitting on the floor across from them. "they're pretty good, we've all missed hanging out with you a lot." joe answered. patrick muttered something under his breath, it was barely audible, but y/n sent him a glare.

joe suddenly perked up, coming to a sudden realization. "i got you something, i left it in the car!" he immeadiately speedwalked past her and to his car, leaving patrick and y/n 
in an uncomfortable silence.

"why'd you want to come along to see the ex you hated so much?" y/n asked, staring at the hardwood floor and playing with her fingers, the silence got worse when she awaited a reply.

"i don't hate you-" he replied coldly, only to get cut off by y/n, who looked pretty angry. "bullshit, answer my question."

y/n stood up, her arms now crossed over her chest, she towered over patrick, sneering at him. "i missed you, okay? is that such a bad thing?"

she felt her heart flutter, he missed her, if it weren't for all her anger, this probably could have went a lot better. she wanted to say that she missed him to, but her anger was way too strong for her to just jump in his arms and ride off into the sunset. "considering what you did? yes, it's a terrible thing."

if it werent for joe walking back inside, they probably would have gotten into a larger argument. when he walked in, he held a decent sized gift box in his hands.

"uhhhh guys?"

y/n whipped around, startled and took two strides towards joe. "aw, you didn't have to buy me anything. thank you joe." she sat down and took the box with her, taking the lid off the box and peering inside. she gasped in delight.

a wooden ukelele, an exact replica of the one she broke years ago. she stood up and hugged joe tightly, saying thank you over and over again in his ear. he laughed softy. "you're very welcome, but it was patrick's idea."

she pulled away and smiled at patrick, not bothering with a hug. joe suddely looked at his phone and sighed. "patick, i hate to cut this short, but we gotta go. sorry y/n, i'll stop by another time." he gave her one last hug and he waved patrick to come with him. patrick stopped infront of her and slipped her a peice of paper silently and left.

it was his number above the title 'we need to talk.' she was hesitant but she kept it, raising a brow as the car pulled out of her driveway.


y/n glanced at her clock, groaning. it had been a few hours since patrick and joe left, despite the frustration she felt towards patrick, she no doubt wanted to work things out with him. pulling out her phone, she dug around in her pocket and pulled out the slip of paper from earlier. after typing his number in, she hesitantly pressed the phone to her ear. it rang once before he picked up.

"i expected a call this late." patrick said smugly, smiling. "y/n i assume?" she couldn't help but smile, she missed his voice dearly. "that's me." y/n breathed out, sighing.

"you said we needed to talk, so what do you want to say, patrick?" her voice sounded cold, she kept letting her guard down and came to that realization quickly. once she did, she spoke in that same cold voice.

"listen, we both know what i did was shitty and an asshole move. if i could go back in time, i wouldn't have done such a stupid thing. but i can't, what's done is done and i want to promise you that i'll never do something like that EVER again." he explained, y/n felt tears well in her eyes.

sure, making a promise is an easy thing to do, but he said it with such genuine emotion. if he started such a big fight and left her out of the blue again, she don't know what she would do.

he heard no response, so he kept talking. "it sounds stupid, i know, but i really love you and i'm so so sorry hon."

"meet me at our spot tomorrow at 9, if i see you there, we can talk about us."

-𝑮𝑼𝒀𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑬𝑹 ↝ 𝑬𝑴𝑶 𝑰𝑴𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑵𝑬𝑺Where stories live. Discover now