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I've been meaning to shoutout this person for a while... A very faithful reader who posts a lot of funny comments...


You are awesome dude. *Bro-whatever you like to do*

Also, I just want to say... Check out a story by IggyScones. They have a USUK fanfic called forever my hero usuk. I read it and loved it. So really check it out, the fanfic deserves more reads than this one! Not only that one, but check out IggyScones's witness series. Amazing author, go read their stories!

Enough with the shoutouts... And on with the story!


On the car ride back home, I was kind of angry with Alfred. I was obviously dropping huge hints that I wanted to be kissed, and he completely ignored them! The nerve he had! I sat in the car, pouting as Alfred drove.

"What's got your British panties in a bunch, dude?"

"You know what."

"Maybe I don't."

"On the Ferris Wheel, you git."

He stayed silent, his brow furrowed, as if deep in thought.

"You weren't the only one.", he admitted.

What? What on earth was that supposed to mean? I wasn't the only one who... Well, on the Ferris wheel, I... wanted to be kissed!

I wasn't the only one who wanted to be kissed! That was it? Either way, I was still upset with him for not telling me this on the ride.

I acted as if I didn't know what he meant. He was in for a heated surprise when we got back to my house. I inwardly smirked, and then thought about his logic.

Him being the dominant one in the relationship, he made all the moves. It was almost like he was pulling all the weight in this relationship when it came to showing affection. If he wanted me to share that weight, I suppose it wouldn't be too hard. Working up the guts to show affection a few times wouldn't hurt.

We eventually pulled into my driveway and I lead him inside and up the stairs to my room. My father had texted me earlier that day saying he was closing that day, meaning we had the whole afternoon to ourselves. The whole afternoon for him to be kissed like he wanted.

The minute we got into the room, I eagerly pinned him to the bed and kissed him passionately. He was definitely surprised, just as I had expected. His eyes widened at first, and he gasped wen my lips touched his, allowing me to slide my tongue through his lips and into his mouth. His eyes were now closed, and he started to use my tongue as a bridge for our kiss, which I didn't mind one bit.

I pulled away after at least a minute of kissing, a string of saliva still connecting our bottom lips, and said, "Expect more where that came from."

I could see Alfred just sitting on the bed, looking down and trying not to smile. It was cute. Maybe I should've tried that sooner, seeing him all flustered. I liked that I was the one that made him flustered.

I turned around to throw away the stubborn wrist band that allowed me to get on all the rides at the waterpark. Suddenly I turned around and he was standing right there. I jumped a little, obviously not expecting it, and he enveloped me in a hug.

"Al-fred! You're... squishing m-me."

"Oh, sorry dude.", he let go of me and I stood on my tiptoes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Told you there would be more where that came from."

Summer Love (Hetalia USUK)Where stories live. Discover now