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I ran my fingers through my hair and accidentally ran my hands over my cowlick. Embarrassingly, although I lived alone, I immediately got an erection. God damn, I knew that would happen. I ignored it and a small feeling in my stomach the best I could while I tried to remember the insanely awkward dream I had that night. What the fuck? He was trying to... No! Why!? I was done with all that weirdness! He was not going to kiss me in my dreams, and certainly never in real life. That, combined with the throbbing boner I had, needed a shower. Just to wash all of my thoughts away.

But still, the way he looked into my eyes, the way his shirtless body kneeled down in front of me, his breath tickling my neck, almost closing the gap I wanted to be clos- Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! I always went over this with myself. No. Thinking. About. Arthur. Who was the guy anyway? Nope, didn't even know an Arthur, hehe.

I repeated the word no in my head over and over again throughout my whole shower. Pretty soon, it was working. I literally had no thoughts about Arthur the whole morning. It was a start. Although I didn't actually know it was working at the time, because like I said, I forgot about Arthur. The whole rest of the day, I was Arthur-free. Until of course, he texted me around four in the afternoon. It took me a few seconds, but then I finally remembered who Arthur was but still didn't even remember my dream.

Avoiding the question, I must say that's a good tactic.

What? What was he talking about? What question? I looked at the full blue and white message page I had with him, and saw that he had asked me what Francis told me at work. I blushed even though no one was really around and replied, Nothing, really. It was something stupid, tbh...

I sat on my bed playing Minecraft free version on my laptop. I worked on my epic White House model I was building and once I finished the Oval Office, I was pretty bored with placing blocks, doing nothing interesting. I texted Arthur, as the awkwardness with him was forgotten, mostly.

I'm sooo bored, dude. And can I just call you British dude for short? Arthur's so formal.

I yawned and stretched my legs out on the bed, putting my hands behind my head to rest after placing my laptop on the floor next to me.

The water drip problem had a noisy solution, but it was free and easy, so why not? The bucket was already half full, so I made a mental note to empty it later. I was just at that point between sleeping and waking, so a waited to slip in. But the problem was, a vibration of an iPhone wake me up a lot more than I was. I opened my eyes and checked the text.

Yes, me too. I am feeling rather bored. And British dude isn't my name, it's Arthur. I'm a formal person, which needs a formal name to go with it. Maybe we could do something? I don't know...

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