Divorce Proceedings

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Linda sat with her newly-appointed divorce attorney, Leslie Pennyworth. He was rich attractive and charming.  But Linda was not focused on that. Linda wanted as much money as she could get due to their lack of a prenuptial agreement. Leslie was a lawyer who advocated for as clean of a split as possible.  He advocated that they should go through with splitting the children.

As the divorce proceedings continued, Leslie began noting all the gold digger tendency. Paul asked for  three things: 1) He gets custody with visitation being allowed, 2) 50/50 custody, and 3) she can receive money from 1968 until present, half. It was plain to see that Paul was done and he wanted to move on.

But Linda was not. Leslie had seen plenty of couples get a divorce. He had seen seemingly perfect couples fall when facing eachother. He observed Linda poking at him (Paul) but Paul tying to remain relax. 

That was not to last. Paul was tired of it. He had arranged with his lawyer Sean to remain in continue with the simple request. But it was dragging on and on, Kaye had told him to remain calm. He did not wish to remain calm. Calm got him nothing.  Sean was told that this would be the final week of the pretty even offer which he told Leslie. Sean felt bad for the man. 

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