Kaye's Apartment

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Kaye was in the kitchen preparing a meal for herself and housemates. She had heard the knocking on the door, heard Serena talking, then heard the door and a pair of feet approach her. She felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around her. "Who is this?" Kaye says.

"That's all you are going to say." Paul replied allowing his accent to come out thick. Kaye turned around with his hands still attached to her hips.

"What's going on.."

"Linda and I are getting divorce."

The words hung in the air for a few moments before Kaye's eyes widened. Kaye had begun feeling the itch to move on due to his lack of commitment to making a decision. Kaye kissed Paul. The food was forgotten by the couple who were quickly moving towards a more passionate display. Serena and Alice stood in the living room with their mouths slightly agape. The door quickly closed and the door was shaking. Kaye was trying to convince Paul not to continue against the door but that quickly was lost in the heat of the moment.

This seems callous, was the thought both Paul and Kaye as they laid in the bed after going nearly seven rounds. They were so good about not sleeping over but the sexual tension had been mounting. Kaye happy that she would no longer feel badly about being the mistress and she hoped that Linda would be able to move on. Paul was watching her through heavily hooded eyes.

Kaye remembered the first night. Paul arrived at Marty's on a Thursday night, he had a solemn look on his face and Kaye poured a bottle of Whiskey. She rolled it over to Paul. He drove her to her flat.

Then two weeks later, he came back his hair a mess with a sullen look on his face. He only stayed for about 2 and half hours. Paul came drank beer and talked to Kaye about his wife. Linda called Marty's and Kaye answered. Kaye gave Paul the phone. Linda and Paul said a few words. Paul finishes his drink and waved at Kaye.

Two weeks later, Paul arrived and grabbed a drink. They talked a little bit, he drove her home. She said that he could spend the night on the couch which he did. He left early in the morning with a note that simply said "Thanks"

Two weeks later, Paul arrived. Kaye's boyfriend cheated on her. This time, the chemistry that Paul and Kaye felt finally overcame. That night they went home together. This was the first time that they created a beast with two backs. They spent the entire night just enjoying each other.

Now, six months later, they were finally lying in bed together. She would wake up in his arms. A loud growl of the stomach ruined the moment.

"We should get food." Paul stated.


Paul put on his clothes: A white t-shirt, blue jeans. Kaye slipped on her dress. They held hands as they walked out of room. Serena, Kirsten, Alice and Sophie sat in the family room.

"You've had your sexual awakening without telling me." Serena admonishes with a smirk on her face.

"She tried" Sophie reminded her.

"Yes She did." Serena looked at the ground as she stated it then looked at Kirsten.

Alice did not say anything with a look of confusion on her face. Alice was studying law and worked for Fulham and Sphinx which was a major divorce lawyer firm. Alice thought of how much her bosses would love to have a former Beatle as a client.

Kaye went to the kitchen and got two plates. She made her plate and made both of them drinks. Paul followed shortly after. Kaye found a seat and watched how her friends reacted. Serena acted shy and kept looking over at Paul discreetly. Alice was hanging off of Paul's word. Sophie moved to sit by Kaye.

"Clearly they did not believe you. Until they heard you against the door which I would have never suspected from you." 

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