Wake Up Call

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I woke up unfamiliar with where I was, when I remembered what happened last night. I held my head, since I had a pounding headache. I forgot that my phone was in my pocket and I had millions of messages.

They all varied from Cameron to Mahogany all asking where I was but one stood out to me and it was from Taylor.

The Step Brother:

when we find u you'll regret running

I put my mouth over my hand and started to cry. I'd never done anything to Taylor and all he does is hurt me. I couldn't let any of them find me. Currently we were in New York and it wasn't as warm as it was yesterday and it was freezing right now.

Opening the door, I went back onto the roof and sat there. Not thinking about anything. I was there for a while when I heard the door open. I thought it was Taylor so I just stayed where I was.

"Amanda what are you doing up here?" I knew that wasn't Taylor because he wouldn't give a fuck about why I was on the roof.

"Amanda are you okay?"

I turned around and saw that it was Carter. Why in the hell is he here? He should be with my brother thinking of how bad they would hurt me the next time they saw me.

I started to cry. I didn't care if he was here, I didn't care if he beat me up until I died.

"Since when do you have feelings?" I asked coldly.

"What are you talking about?"

"Did Taylor put you up to this?"

"Why would you think that?"

"Why aren't you beating me up like you're supposed to?" I replied still not turning around.

"Amanda look at me."

"I'd rather get a black eye." I said while looking at the sky.

"Amanda just look at me."

I didn't and just got up. I walked to the stairs and walked off. I didn't know where I was going but wherever I was going was going to be far away from here.

I kept running and ended up at Taco Bell. Today's my lucky day. I walked in and ordered two churros and a Baja Blast. I payed and went to eat at one of the tables. When I finished I threw away my trash and walked out.

Call me crazy, but I have no idea how in getting back to the hotel. I pulled up google maps on my iPhone 5S and eventually found my way back. When I walked in I decided to use the elevator.

At least no one was there so it was quiet on the way to the room. I unlocked the room and thankfully no one was there so I decided to change into sweatpants and an art camp tee shirt. I put my hair into a messy bun and turned on the tv.

I started watching Friends when someone knocked on the door. Fearing it was Taylor I looked through the peep hole and saw Carter. Don't ask me why, but I let him in.

He walked in while I sat on the bed and he sat on the floor.

"You have five minutes, so say what you want to say or get out."

"Alright, alright." He looked down and sighed.


"Well what?" How I love The Sandlot 2.

"Aren't you going to tell me what you wanted to say?"

"I think I'll go."

"Alright. Also if you see Taylor tell him I left and I'm not coming back." I said as he nodded and closed the door. I decided to change the channel and found The Sandlot 2, just my luck!

This was one of my favorite movies of all time and Alfalfa was my favorite character.

When I was halfway through the movie there was another knock on the door. I looked in the peep hole again and it was Taylor. I gasped and ran into the bathroom with my phone. I locked the door and my back slid down against it.

"Open up!"

I stayed quiet.

"I swear if you don't open the door, you'll be sorry!" He said while banging on the door. Unless he was going to get the key or something there isn't much he can do.

I opened up my phone and was about to call my mom but knew she wasn't going to believe me. She thought Taylor was a harmless person. Well mom the bruises on my face and arms say otherwise.

Eventually the banging stopped and I heard him walk off. I still stayed in the bathroom. I didn't want him to see me and then I'd be dog chow for sure. When I checked my phone it was almost 7:30 so I decided to get out of the bathroom.

When I got out I saw Jack G. sitting on my bed staring at the tv.

"Can I help you?" I asked as he turned towards me while clutching his heart.

"Oh my god, you scared the shit out of me!"

"That's what happens when you hide in the bathroom for almost two hours."
I say while chuckling and then clamp my hand over my mouth.

"Why were you in the bathroom for two hours?"

"No reason." I say while smiling nervously.

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying."

"You are now."









"Well played Gilinsky, well played." I replied while smirking.

"What are you, a detective?"

"It's elementary dear Watson." I said while giggling.

"What are you, obsessed with Sherlock Holmes or something?" He asked. I walked over to my bag and pulled out a Sherlock Holmes book.

"Does this answer your question?" I ask while raising an eyebrow.

"I swear I was kidding." He replied while holding his hands up in defense.

"Yeah yeah." I reply while dropping the book.

"But why were you hiding in the bathroom." He asked seriously. Taylor told me that if I told anyone that he hurt me, I'd pay the price of my life for it. Harsh I know.

"I can't tell you." I reply while looking down.

"Amanda you know you can tell me anything right?"

"You know calling me Mandy would make this a lot less awkward for me."

"Alright Mandy."

"Look Jack, I know I can tell you but I can't." I say as I get up and leave the room.


Awright scrubs! I have no idea where that came from. Anyways yeah I know it seems harsh that Taylor said she'd pay the price of her life but this is my story not yours. Now I'm in the mood for Taco Bell, but when you're in the car for a four hour drive, your food options are pretty limited. But yeah and if you want to be a character in this story you have two options.

The first options that you can have yourself look like a celebrity but you can add any info if you want.

The second option is that you can describe what you look like.

You can use your name for either of these options and you have to tell me what kind of person you want to be.

For example if you want to be a mean person, then tell me that or if you want to be a nice person just say that.

That's all folks!


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