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I just there thinking. Thinking about how excited I was to move in with Mahogany, getting away from Taylor, oh crap! I haven't talked to my mom in forever. I dialed her number and she picked up on the fourth ring.

"Hey mom."

"Hey Amanda how's MagCon going?"

"Great." Lies.

"Also after the next MagCon is over, you're going to stay with with your dad and Isabelle for about a week or two." She said. Thanks for now telling me now.

"Um, actually I can't go visit dad."


"Well, my friend wanted me to move in with her and I forgot to ask you. And no I didn't tell her yes or no."

"Well, I guess I could reschedule you're meet up with dad for another month or so. Who are you moving in with?"


"I guess. When do you leave?"

"I don't know, I'll ask her." I pressed the home button and texted Mahogany asking her when I would leave to her house. Not long after she replied and told me that she'd show me the house after MagCon and hopefully get my stuff over there I'm about a week.

I told my mom all of this and she said that this is a great opportunity for me. After awhile I hung up and tossed my phone to the end of the bed.

"Knock, knock." Someone said from the door. I looked up and saw it was Matt.

"What!" I snapped back. I was so irritable right now I didn't want to even have anyone near me.

"What happened to you?" He asked while sitting next to me. I scooted over a little not wanting to be near him.

"Why are you even here?" I replied while falling back on the bed.

"Look, I'm sorry about what I did." He said. His eyes started to water, but honestly go cry yourself a river Matt.

"Well, you can apologize all you want, I'm not forgiving you."

"What happened to forgive and forget?" He asked while turning towards me.

"Well, forgive went on vacation and forget was left alone, so that's what happened to them." I said before getting up and sitting on Mahogany's bed.

"Seriously, Amanda I've tried."

"At what?"

"Being your friend."

"Oh yes, because clearly being someone's friend means bullying them to a point where they feel like they're dying on the floor!"


"Don't Amanda me! I'm not a Barbie doll that you can break and then get fixed! That's not how it works!"

"I never said that!"

"Well that's what you're acting like!" As soon as I said that his hand collided with my right cheek. There'd be a bruise there soon.

"What are you doing?!" I screamed out in pain.

"What should've been done a long time ago."

Before I knew it I was on the ground being kicked, screaming out in pain hoping someone would hear me and stop Matt.

"Matt! What are you doing?!" I heard Aaron yell.

"Aaron, get out of here!" I yelled while clutching my side that I felt oozing with blood.

"I'm not leaving you here!"

"Go! I'll be fine!" I said. He gave me a sad look while I gave him a reassuring smile. He left getting help I guess. Matt continued what he was doing, but he didn't hit as hard.

A few minutes later he left. I felt so weak. I started to drag myself to the balcony that I never noticed here. Taylor would finally get his wish. I didn't want to do this because I was supposed to grow up and become a model and be happy.

I was supposed to tour the world and live in a huge house, but because of Taylor that wouldn't happen. I'd finally gotten the doors open.

All I had to do was jump and I'd be gone. As I was lifting myself up towards the railing the door burst open. Johnson was there. He looked shocked. He ran over to me and picked me up.

"What are you doing?"

"Jack, I can't live like this anymore." I said while I started to tear up. The world started to become hazier by the second.

"Amanda, you have to be strong."

"Jack, I can't be strong anymore. Half of the guys hate me so there's no point in living anymore." I said. There was darkness clouding around the outer part of my eyes. Trying to fight it, it slowly started going away.

"Amanda, please don't do this." He said with pleading eyes.

"I have to. Jack, you can't save me this time."

"Who did this to you?"

"Matt." I heaved out."

"I'll kill him." He said through gritted teeth.

"Don't, it's not worth it."

"What do you mean?"

"It means I'm dying. Remember this. Sometimes you have to remember the people who made your life a living hell because they were the ones who make you stronger in the end."

I gave him a smile. It was a weak one only because I didn't have a lot of strength to do an actual one.

Those were my final words. The last person I saw. The last words I'd said to someone who I knew cared about me.





I'm so sad about this chapter and to top it off my ten year old cousin is singing all of me. I mean talk about perfect timing to sing or what?! The next chapter is actually going to completely Johnson's POV. This was actually going to be the end of the book originally but I was all like, it can't end like this! And you know what that means?! SEQUEL! Now I'm probably not going to do what most people do which is make you think they died when they didn't.

That's perfectly fine because I love books like that, I just don't want to write mine like that. The second book is mainly going to be everyone else's POVS so you know how their dealing with this. Also there's going to be some parts where it's Mandy's spirits POV. Maybe, I don't know! I also start school on Wednesday. August 13. Since I transferred school districts, not like moved from state to state I have to leave my best friend/ crush and he doesn't have a phone and I was stupid enough to not get his best friends number who is also my best friend.

I got their other best friends number, who is
yes also my best friend, but I only texted him once and he didn't respond, so yeah.

Also the quote she said, I actually came up with in like the middle of math class. For me that's at the end of the day and I hate it. Out of all the times I could've had math, it had to be at the end of the day?!

Yes I know I said there'd be another chapter but I lied. I have it written but I can't figure out a way to end it so yeah! I'll probably just add that one into the sequel.

I'll have the first chapter of the sequel
Up soon. I'm not saying a certain day because I can't promise that so yeah since originally Amanda wasn't going to die but I kind of had to end it here for the sequel to make sense anyways.


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