Girl Time

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I got up and left. I hadn't meant to hurt Jack and he was only trying to help me. On my way back to the room, I bumped into you guessed it, Taylor.

"Where have you been?" He asked angrily.

"I was in my room."

"Consider yourself lucky." He said as he walked off.

That was weird. I shook it off and went back to my room. Jack wasn't there so I went to what I guessed was his room. I knocked on the door and Johnson opened it.

"Is Jack here?" I ask worried.

"Yeah why?"

"Can I talk to him?" He let me in and I saw Jack on the bed with bloodshot eyes.

"Jack I'm sorry."

"I accept your apology." Johnson said while holding his heart.

"Not you blondie!"

"Geez." He replied as he walked out of the room.

"Jack I'm really sorry for walking out on you."

"I just wanted to know why."

"I know and I swear if I could tell, you would be the first person to know."

I honestly wanted to tell the whole world, but you know what's holding me back from that? My life.

"I know."

"Best friends?"

"I prefer besties. Now tell me if my weave is on right." Jack said while fixing his 'weave'. I laughed at him. I honestly never thought in a million years, that I would have a best friend.

"All right bestie, I'm going downstairs."

"Wait, I thought besties were supposed to stay together."

"And I thought when Starbucks is open you should walk through the door."

"Nice comeback."

"It's what I do best." I replied while flipping my hair. I walked out the door and went to Starbucks. I got my drink and sat in the lobby.

"Hey, you're Mandy right?" A girl asked. I looked up and it was Mahogany.

"Yeah. How many other Mandy's do you know?"



"Whatever. Hey do you want to have some girl time because when you hang out with boys this long some shopping therapy is desperately needed."

"Yeah let's go!" I reply while throwing away my drink. Mahogony and I go back to our room so that I can grab my wallet and change. I decided on changing into a "On Wednesdays We Wear Pink" sweatshirt, my favorite pair of ombre jeans and uggs. I grab my wallet while Mahogony is wearing a cat shirt, a black skater skirt and Doc Martens.

"Shall we go?"

"We shall!"

We walked out of the room laughing hysterically into the elevator. We arrived at the mall in her car and ran inside. We ended up going to Forever 21, PacSun, Hollister, Journeys, Claire's, and VS PINK. I had a total of six bags one from each store, while Mahogony on the other hand looked like she had a million.

"That was fun."


We walked back to the car, but not before taking a much needed Starbucks break. When we got back to the hotel all of the boys were in the lobby looking scared and like they'd been crying.

"Where have you guys been?" Cam asked.

"Where does it look like?" I ask while holding up my clothing bags.

"You guys had us worried sick!" Aaron yelled.

"Well why didn't you call us?" Mahogany asked confused.

"Check your phone." Cam demanded.

"Calm down sassy pants." I replied while grabbing my phone out of my pocket. I had missed calls from everyone. I guess my phone was on vibrate or something.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't answer my phone."

"Same." We both looked at each other and ran to the elevators. When we got in we kept pressing the close door button and none of the boys got into the elevator.

"Way to make an exit girlfriend!" Mahogany said while high fiving me.

"I'll say." I reply still out of breath. When the doors open we see nine pretty pissed off faces.

"Hey guys." I say nervously.

"Okay, so we're gonna go." Mahogany replies in the same tone. When we get out of the elevator we practically run for our lives to our room.


So it's 12:48 am and I have to get my hair rebraided today and I'm listening to Beyoncé. Story of my life. Anyways this book may have around 15 chapters and no she isn't going to fall in love with jack. Maybe. Also, yeah I have no idea what I was going to say but oh well.


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