Chapter 3: Mickey

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  He felt the blood drain from his face. God this wasn't meant to happen. He wasn't meant to run into Mickey. This was meant to be somewhere Mickey didn't go anymore. He'd screwed up again. Of course this was going to happen. Shit. Why had he thought that he would be alone here. This was Mickey's place first. Of course Mickey would come here.

  He looked Mickey over, he looked tired but well. He'd been working out too.

  "I um... shit sorry I'm just... really sorry Mickey I'm off now any-anyway so yeah um sorry," Ian stuttered horribly. The embarrassment made him flush and tugged his jacket further around himself before rushing to the door and trying to get past Mickey while being as far away as possible.

  Just as he was about to get past Mickey reached out and grabbed his arm, holding him gently. Ian stilled instantly and looked down at the tattooed hand on his arm. What was he doing? Was he mad at Ian for being in his area? God he hoped not he really didn't need to go home with a black eye.

  "I'm really sorry Mickey, I promise that I won't come here again," Ian apologised, looking just at a point over his ex-fuck's shoulder. Although he would have to come back at least once more to fetch his meds. While he had some pills stashed away in a locker down at the bus station he really needed all of them with his limited prescription.

  "What the hell Gallagher," Mickey grumbled and Ian's gaze shot to his.

  He was painfully aware that he stopped breathing for a second, a combination of awe and fear. Why the hell did he still have to love this guy, it would be so, so much easier if he didn't care like Mickey.

  "I really mean it. I didn't expect you to turn up and I know I have no right to come around here so I am really sorry Mickey. I promise," Ian blurted out again, he tried to keep eye contact but found himself staring at the thug's chin instead.

  "Shut up Ian," Mickey snapped. It made Ian do a double take. When did Mickey ever call him Ian?   

 "Mick please don't do-"

  "I said shut up," Mickey cut him off. He stepped into Ian's space and Ian moved back until his back was against the wall. The other boy's face was unreadable and Ian was more than a little scared. He really thought that Mickey wouldn't have just wanted him gone in such an event, he didn't think that he would be so mad as to beat Ian up. 

  He couldn't look anymore, he closed his eyes and braced himself for what was to come. He felt his chest tighten up but it wasn't a panic attack it was just that old heart ache. The younger boy let his head fall back against the wall, Mickey's arm was now across his chest and Ian couldn't help but curl one weak hand around it.

  "Ian open your fucking eyes," he said and it almost sounded gentle. So Ian opened his eyes and looked down at the other. Mickey's face was more open now, softer. He didn't look like he was going to beat Ian up but then again that could just be wishful thinking.

  "I didn't think you'd be here either but hell... fuck Gallagher I missed you and this was our place and... God I'm so glad you're here," Mickey confessed. Ian just looked at him confused, then he understood.

  "You want to fuck," he stated. He pushed himself off the wall, making Mickey step back.

  Wrapping one arm around the other's waist, Ian buried his neck in Mickey's neck and kissed the skin there. It was intoxicating the smell of him and the stubble as it rubbed against his cheek. The pleased little noise that Mickey let out and the way his hands tangled in Ian's ginger hair... it was all so good. It was all... sex. Stress relief. Ian knew he was larger than a lot of guys, Mickey probably hadn't found anyone as big...

  Stress relief Ian could do. He could get Mickey off. It was more contact than they had had in the last six months by miles. As desperate as it sounded even in his own mind he would take anything that the other man was willing to give.

  When Mickey pulled Ian up and kissed him deep and dirty Ian thought he was in heaven. It was cold so their trousers were only pushed down as far as necessary and Ian fucked him and it was the best thing he had ever done. The only real downer was the ring. He was so, so conscious of the fucking wedding ring. It glinted in the light and drew his eye from where Mickey braced himself against one of the pillars. Sex, stress relief. That was what this was for Mickey. He was married to a woman but liked cock up his ass so here Ian was. 

  After when they parted and put their clothing right, Ian stepped back further. Now what the hell was he meant to do? He didn't know the drill anymore. Mickey turned around and faced him. The thug looked him up and down critically and Ian watched carefully for his reaction. He was closed off again. Cue to go. They were that again. The booty call. If it happened again. Who knew when he would see the other boy again. 

  "Right well I'll um... yeah I'll go," Ian said slowly, still unsure. What the hell had really happened there? Nope. Not his business. Mickey could do what he wanted.

  "Yeah well yep," Mickey mumbled awkwardly. Yep awkward was definitely how it should be after a no strings fuck.

  It meant that Ian went home earlier than he normally would. It meant that his hands were shaking and tears stung his eyes. He didn't want to just be a good fuck anymore. He wanted to be worth more than that but how the hell could he. Look at him, weak loser walking down the street crying because he just fucked the one and it meant nothing.

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