Chapter 7: Home

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  "My dad's in for life," Mickey said. Plain and simple.

  "He... that's- that's great isn't it?" Ian grinned somewhat shyly after a short moment of surprise, still he was't entirely sure of how he should react. 

  "It's so good Ian," Mickey grinned back before striding forward and cupping Ian's face in his hands. Leaning his forehead against Ian's he continued, "It means that we can be free Ian. I... I know you feel trapped at your house so why- why don't you come and live with me. Svetlana can go sleep in Terry's old room and you and me... Ian we can be- be together."

  "Together?" Ian asked, it felt like he was bursting with joy. As he looked into those blue eyes he couldn't believe it.

  "Yeah... I um would you like to be my- my boyfriend I guess?" Boyfriend... he had never expected to ever hear that fro

  "Boyfriend sounds amazing Mick," Ian grinned before kissing him hard.


  Mickey's wife didn't seem all that pleased to see him there, in fact the entire evening she just glared. The baby bump was distinct, it wouldn't be long now before there was a mini Mickey would be running around. In fact looking at it he could no longer resent the woman, even as she glared. He started to wonder how much like its father it would look. Ian so hoped that it would have the Milkovich eyes. On the other hand he could still worry about her wanting him gone and Mickey making it happen.

  It was so good being just in the presence of Mickey in his home, he didn't want it to end. He had no work that evening and it meant that Mickey just beamed at him and pulled him down onto the sofa with a beer apiece. They were curled up together as they watched an old action movie with Ian sat in the V of Mickey's legs, leaning back against his chest. He was warm and comfortable with Mickey running his hands through his hair, he could stay there forever. 

  He was almost asleep like that, content, when the door slammed open and Mandy entered. He felt Mickey twitch slightly so he made to move away but the older boy just tightened the arm he had around Ian's chest, keeping him there. It was a surprise really, he had thought that Mickey was only touching Ian in front of the Russian to make a point, he didn't think that he would actually want to be seen like that with anyone else. The revelation meant Ian couldn't help the small smile pull at his lips which dropped when Mandy lay eyes on them. Then she laughed, then he reached over and punched Ian hard on the shoulder making him grimace and silently flip her off, still slightly nervous about how Mickey may react with his sister so close.

  "Ian you shit. When did you make up with this asshole?" she questioned.

  "Months ago shit for brains," Mickey replied behind him. His voice vibrated through Ian's back and he loved it, loved more that Mickey still wasn't making a move to get Ian off him. The thug then started to rub Ian's chest in an undeniably possessive gesture that had Ian full on smirking and Mandy pretending to puke. It was just getting better and better.

  "You know what I think we should get to bed," Mickey announced.

  "And I sleep where then?" Svetlana snapped as she waddled, abet waddled fiercely like only she would be able to pull off, into the room.

  "Fuck off to Terry's room. The fuck it matter woman? Ian's staying here now, find whoever you want to share that bed so long as he's not a client," Mickey snapped before pushing up off the sofa and walking to his room, Ian following behind but not before flashing an apologetic look at the woman.

  Once they had stripped off and "christened" the bed as Mickey sarcastically put it, they lay back and smoked with the blankets trapped around their waists. Ian caught Mickey looking at him and it was a look of pure happiness. As soon as Mickey realised that Ian saw him looking he looked away back down at his lap.

  "I love you Mick. Thank you so much for sticking by me, I know this isn't easy or particularly good for you so-" Ian started.

  "It's not easy Ian, but it's a hell of a lot easier with my dad gone, but it's sure as hell good for me. Ian you make me free, you make me happy. I love you too and I want you here forever," Mickey cut him off. He then stubbed his cigarette in the ashtray behind and Ian did the same before Mickey pulled him down for a kiss.

  When they were buried beneath the blankets with Mickey's head resting on Ian's chest the ginger spoke again. He had been thinking about it ever since Mickey had found out about his job, when there had been such disappointment and betrayal in his expression and words. He had seen a man the other day, hit by a car. The paramedics had been there and the man's wife had thanked them through tears when they had got him stable in the ambulance and told her that he would live. They had saved a life... how good must that have felt. It was a respectable job where lives were saved, miles more respectable than being a stripper.

  "I've been thinking Mick," he started.

  "Oh we know that's dangerous," Mick joked sleepily, earning him a jab in the side.

  "I know you don't like my job-"

  "Ian I know it pays the bills and even if you live here I know you have to help your family," Mickey interrupted.

  "Let me finish. I know you hate it and I hate it too. I feel disgusting when those men touch me and I hate you seeing me like that. I promise as soon as I graduate that I will look for a better job," he promised. EMT, he thought silently. But he'd surprise him. Maybe he'd like that. The gentle kiss that he got as a response definitely helped with that.


  The next morning Ian woke to find himself spooning Mickey, the smaller man still asleep. Bending his head he gently placed a kiss on the back of the man's neck before slowly disentangling himself from the warmth and comfort.

  He wasn't sure yet that Mickey really wanted him to stay. He wasn't convinced that Mickey wouldn't soon realise that he had been wrong and he didn't really want Ian there. That was why he hadn't even bothered to move the pills from their hiding places although he was going to gather them together. 

  The house was silent, it was only five in the morning so that was no surprise, so he dressed and left barely making a sound. He ran by the bus station and went to his locker and collected the pills before continuing to the building where he took his dose and stashed them before completing the circuit. It was the weekend so he had the whole day with Mickey, he felt well rested anyway so he didn't waste time beyond a smoke before he ran off to the Gallagher house.

  By the time he reached his home it was six thirty but it too was silent so he snuck up through the house to his room where Liam and Carl were sound asleep. He still wasn't sure how long Mickey would put up with him so he went for the a weeks worth of clothes. Ian just hoped that he wasn't being to optimistic. 

  He was gone before any of them woke up and walked back to the Milkovich house, shivering slightly as the cold bit at the drying sweat on his work out clothes. Once he reached the door it was just after seven and he could already hear yelling.

  "I will go to him!" he heard Svetlana scream.

  "Go the fuck ahead bitch!" Mickey yelled back.

  Ian quietly stepped through the door and stood out of the way as the two stood a few feet apart screaming at each other.

  "I shall tell him what fag his son is!" Svetlana yelled.

  "He's in jail bitch! What the fuck do you care anyway. You can stay here, that brat you're carrying can stay! Ian stays too! We never fucked anyway! You can go out and work and bring home boyfriends or whatever but Ian stays and Ian stays with me!" Mickey yelled.

  It was then that Svetlana looked over at Ian who was frozen on the spot. He did not want to make Mickey's life harder but it seemed he was already. Maybe a week was optimistic. That was until Svetlana spoke again and Ian hoped maybe not.

  "I don't care as long as baby cared for," she said before turning and walking out.

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