Chapter 10: Bipolar

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  Lip stared at the meds for a long moment before he strode over and snatched them up from the counter. Ian would definitely have stopped him if he hadn't have been frozen to the spot. This was the thing that he had been dreading ever since he had first been diagnosed. Mickey, ever Ian's hero these days, seemed to sense Ian's panic and stepped over to wrap an arm around his waist. It was odd as Mickey never touched Ian in front of the Gallaghers, probably because of all the fuss they put up over their relation, Ian was nevertheless very grateful and leaned into the touch.

  "Ian Gallagher, Lithium," Lip read, jaw tense as he glared at Ian over the bottle.

  Not being able to really move, still too shocked, just looked back. Ian had always been closer to Lip than any of his other siblings but since he moved in with Mickey Lip had been almost as unsupportive as Fiona. It meant that he had absolutely no idea what Lip was going to say about it, he wasn't the same brother that had never let Ian down before.

  "So did you get diagnosed before or after you moved in with this prick," Lip growled, pointing at Mickey who still had his arm slung around Ian.

  "Before," Ian admitted quietly.

  "How long ago exactly did you find out then Ian?" he asked and now it was his dangerous voice.

  "Bout a year and a half ago," Ian replied with a bit more confidence. He had this under control they couldn't call him Monica. He wasn't Monica. He and Mickey were doing good, Ian had a job- not a favourable one but a job- and was training for a better one and he had Yevgeny. He looked after the baby with Lana, Nika and Mickey and he loved the boy. He took the meds religiously. He was not Monica and Lip couldn't... but he probably would. He would see Ian as Monica and when the Gallaghers found out they would see him as Monica.

  Lip just snorted before slamming the meds back on the side and storming out of the house, banging the door behind him. It was only then that Ian realised that he was shaking so he pulled himself away from Mickey, not wanting him to know how badly this was effecting him. His boyfriend was trying to catch his eye but Ian wouldn't look at him. Couldn't. Ian couldn't show weakness now, it would be another thing for Mickey's checklist of why not to date Ian Gallagher. Now that Lip knew, and the Gallaghers were bound to being informed this minute, they would give Mickey every reason under the sun why Ian was bad for him and maybe this time the thug would see the truth.

  "You okay man?" Mickey asked him carefully.

  "Yeah sure. It was bound to happen at one point. I'm fine," Ian lied.

  "Then why the fuck are you shaking and why do you look like you're about to cry? Don't lie Ian, if you're not fine you don't have to hide it," Mickey said, stepping forward and placing a hand on the ginger's shoulder and yet Ian still couldn't look at him.

  "They're all gonna come storming over here and give you every reason why I'm bad for you and why I'm Monica and how that will destroy you. You'll see it and want me gone but I... fuck Mick I'm selfish, I want you, I- I need you and- and please don't listen to them Mick. Please. I love you and I'll try to hard not to be Monica I promise, I'll really really try, " Ian was full on crying, burying into Mickey and gripping the thug's shirt.

  "Ian I'm not gonna get rid of you because of what those shits may say," Mickey said into Ian's hair as he wrapped his arms around the younger, "you're not Monica and I thought we'd long since established that. As much as you need me I need you, perhaps even more. Sure I got with you when you were at a low point but you made me such a better person. I definitely smell better for one."

  That last bit earnt Mickey the chuckle that had obviously hoped for. Ian buried his head further into Mickey's chest and, even though he was the taller of the couple, it wasn't an uncomfortable position at all. 

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