Chapter 5: Ring and Love

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  Ian had entered school that day feeling like he was floating. Mickey loved him. He couldn't believe it, he had been right after all before the wedding. Thinking about it he felt slightly guilty for ever doubting Mickey but then again, he would never bring it up again so Mickey didn't have to know.

  All day he was somewhat distracted but he managed to get through the day and leave on time without having a single teacher take notice. As he was walking out of the school gates alone, Mandy had dropped out just after Mickey's wedding, he was still in that trance. It was why he didn't realise that he had a follower until his arm was grabbed.

  Jumping out of his skin, Ian turned to face whoever it was and promptly flinched away at seeing someone so close. Then he realised that it was Mickey and let himself smile at the older boy. He still didn't know what it was between the two of them but Mickey was a Milkovich and they didn't just go around throwing out the word "love". When they said it they meant it. It only encouraged him when he received a smile in return.

  "Come on tough guy," Mickey smirked, turning and swaggering off.

  Ian took a moment to appreciate Mickey's behind before he followed him. It wasn't long before he realised where they were going; their building. The ginger hadn't expected Mickey to turn up at school for him, not in a million years. Now he wanted to spend time with him... just like when he invited Ian over when the Gallagher's were all in the system.

  Once they reached their level Mickey turned back around gazed at Ian. His head was tilted to the side, lower lip trapped between his teeth and a mischievous glint in those gorgeous blue eyes. All of his was gorgeous but his eyes especially. Particularly in the early days when Mickey hid behind thick layers of walls it was the eyes that Ian learnt to read, they were the things that gave him away if you knew what to look for.

  Mickey then strode forward and they were caught in  a hot and passionate kiss. Ian reveled in it, still couldn't believe it. He gasped against the shorter man's mouth as he palmed Ian's crotch. They pulled apart then and Mickey wore a delightful smirk.

  "Let's get some of this off then," Mickey grinned.

  It was still cold so they really didn't do more than pull there trousers down to mid thigh. It meant that really Ian had to take him from behind when really he wanted to face him. Mickey had only ever let him do that twice before and those were still his favourite times. First though Mickey took Ian's cock in his hands but there was that ring there and it was suddenly a too real reminded. Mickey's wedding ring against his dick... 

  He couldn't help but tense up and pull away. It was subconscious. He looked down at the accursed thing and Mickey followed his gaze.

  "Hey sorry. I'll take it off," Mickey said quickly, knowing immediately what Ian was uncomfortable with.

  "No Mick. I'm sorry lets continue," Ian held the hand before he could remove it. Although he knew that Mickey loved him he was still married. It wasn't right for him to ask Mickey to remove his ring.

  "Ian this means nothing," Mickey said, gesturing at the ring, once again seeming to read his mind.

  The dark haired thug took of the band and shoved it in the pocket of his jeans which were still around his thigh. Ian couldn't help but feel a swell of love for the man and he grinned, pulling him in for another kiss.

  "I love you," he said and reveled in the fact that he could say that to Mickey and that the man only held him tighter rather than run away.

  "I love you too Firecrotch now get on me," Mickey grinned at him before turning around.

  Once finished the two of them lay in the sleeping bag and blankets that Ian had stashed away. The younger boy's head rested on the thug's chest as he ran a hand down his side, Mickey's fingers running through his hair. He had never been more glad for his little stash than in this moment as they were wrapped up warm.

  "Why the hell do you even have this shit up here?" Mickey asked suddenly.

  After a moment Ian decided to tell the truth so he said, "Fell asleep here once and nearly froze to death. Decided to bring some blankets and shit up so I could nap here after a workout."

  "Why not just go home?"

  "Because it's stifling their. I feel like I'm hiding and lying because of them not knowing about my bipolar and I just... can't stand it," Ian said as he continued to caress Mickey's side.

  "Why not tell them?" Mickey asked.

  "Cause they'll never trust me again. They'll never look at me as Ian again only as my bipolar and only as my mom," he confessed.

  "You don't know that Ian."

  "I do. You don't know my mom, what she's like. What the bipolar can make people like," Ian said and wished that they could just stop this conversation.

  "What is she like?" Mickey asked and it seemed to Ian that Mickey made have just wrapped his arms tighter around him. Trying to comfort?

  He couldn't believe he was here.

  "She would be so happy one minute. She'd take us out on trips and then would forget about us and go off with Frank to buy drugs. They were high or drunk or both most of the time. When she was manic she was always laughing and smiling but she also always thought the cops were after her. She once got up onto the roof claiming she was a bird, she was going to jump because she wanted to fly. Last Thanksgiving she was... depressed. She slit her wrists in the kitchen, we found her bleeding out on the floor.  She never took her meds though. It's why I do, even though they sometimes make me foggy and at first... at first they seemed to just make the depression worse. I just don't want- I just can't be Monica," Ian explained, his hand stilling on his... Mickey's chest.

  There was a long moment of silence before Mickey pulled Ian up for a kiss. It was different from all the other kisses that they had ever shared. This one was slow and sweet and full of love and it warmed Ian through completely.

  "Then you're already ten times the person she is and if your family ever doubts that then fuck 'em," he said to Ian, looking right into the green eyes.

  After a long moment when the world was just the two of them, Ian came back to himself and saw where the sun was in the sky. Quickly fishing out his phone he found that it was nearing six o'clock.

  "I've got to go," he said, hastily getting up and pulling his clothes back on properly.

  "Go? Where the fuck do you need to be?" Mickey asked, still sprawled out in the blankets, looking up.

  "Work. I'm going to be late," Ian told him absently as he shrugged his coat back on.


  "Yeah," he replied, kneeling quickly to place a quick, chaste kiss on Mickey's lips before hurrying out.

  On the way to the El he couldn't help but grin at the thought that he had been able to say goodbye in that way.  He would certainly keep his evening with Mickey in mind to get him through his shift.

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