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??? POV

Hidden in the foliage, I smirked to myself as I saw Hiccup pale. Having the ability to make him so distressed with just a few words was really quite... satisfying.

Pulling my hood lower over my face, I crept away. Is was practically invisible in the changewing cloak, but it did nothing for sound. Only once I was a good thirty metres away did I begin to walk normally. Never too careful, as my mother used to say.

Before long I had reached a small cave which, for today, would be my base. With low ceilings but wide walls, I knew it would be perfect. Their dragons wouldn't be able to fit. Well, maybe the Night fury, but that relied on them noticing that I'm here to start with.

After ducking under the entrance, the cave opened up considerably. The floor went downhill, until the space was almost large enough for a deadly nadder to stand tall in. The cave itself was like a large room; almost square.

I knew I was lucky to find this.

Because of my survival lessons, I knew that following a stream uphill has a chance of leading to a cave - which it did. Outside was thick woodland, excellent cover, but no water source or good place to find food.

When I arrived, I had seen a store of fish that I could raid. I had to be careful though, as the place was crowded with dragons. All of which would most likely eat me.

Sighing, I placed my satchel on the floor. Inside I had some basic supplies: a water canteen, which was mostly empty; a piece of bread; an almost brand new map; a compass; my double use knife; a fire-starting kit; and a fur piece. I was proud of myself when I got it all to fit. Laying out the fur, I relaxed. I was exhausted as I had spent all night sailing to get here.

I would make the long journey worth it.


I woke to the sound of shuffling nearby. Holding my breath, I glanced around the almost pitch black cave. Silhouetted from the light of the entrance, a small creature dug around in my satchel. Preparing to lunge, I cautiously took out my knife.

"Achrrr," it sneezed, sparks illuminating the area. It was a terrible terror. Groaning, I put away my knife. They were harmless if ignored, but also made good trackers and early defence systems. Now, it was a light source.

"Little terror," I began, watching as it turned to face me, "why don't you leave that booooring bag over there and go and grab," I fumbled to find something, "this!" I threw a small rock outside. It just continued to glance at me.

So it's not entirely stupid, I thought.

"Did you guys hear something?"

I froze.

"Yeah, almost like a footstep on the dry leaves." Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I had to throw that rock!

"Okay Snotlout you check over there and I'll check here," a new person suggested. The cunching of leaves got closer.

"Fishface you are not the boss of me!" the same guy snapped.

"Last time I checked Hiccup put Fishlegs in charge," a female voice shot back.

"Shut up Astrid."

The sound of crumbling debris approached. I glanced at the dragon, a plan formulating in my mind. Grabbing the satchel, I ripped part of the bread off. I teased the terror, holding it next to its snout, before chucking it out. Immediately the terror dived after it.

"Aaaaiiii!" Someone screamed, sounding like they had just fallen into freezing water. "Oh, it's just a stupid terrible terror." It growled at the name stupid, before scurrying away with the bread. "Guys! It was just a terror!"

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