Chapter 13: Is This Real

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I walked David outside and shook my head as he lit a cigarette.

"What happen to you quitting?"

"When I'm at home I quit"

I nodded "You good bro?"


"Dave you know what I mean"

"Man fuck her"

"Come on now bro" I laughed "You can't be mad"

"I'm not! If Travis want to fuck with some  hoe out the strip club then so be it"

"She wasn't all that when you was fucking her!"

"Yeah well that was before now! She leave me only to fuck with the homie? Any other bitch and you'd be calling her a hoe too"

"You really are selfish as fuck dude" I shook my head "Crazy"

"How? Because the fucking truth aint what you want to here?"

"No! Because you really fucking believe this girl supposed to be down and out about you! She suppose to spear yo feeling but you dance on her all the fucking time! You have a fucking wife David! Instead of worrying about B, how about you learn to be a good husband at home!"

"Now you know everything about marriage?"

"No! But I know how to not fucking cheat on my wife! Face facts man! B gave you her everything! She gave you a fucking child! But time after time you slapped her in the fucking face with her feelings treating her like she was nothing! You broke that girl man! So excuse the fuck out of me for being happy for her! She deserves to that! The least you could do is shut the fuck up sulking and be happy for both of them!"

"Man fuck you!"

David got in his car and peeled out. I shook my head before walking back inside. Travis and Marcus had went to the backyard and were tossing one of my footballs. I joined in and we kicked it. Marcus ended up heading to a midday booty call leaving just me and Travis. We went back inside and headed to the kitchen for drinks.

"So Tim.... what's up with D?" he asked

I attempted to shrug it off "That nigga always tripping"

"Nah.... I mean what's up with him and Micah? Every time she come up he go acting different"

"Trav.... I don't know the full story with that myself... but ask Micah about it"

"You think she's going to tell me?"

"I know she will" we shook hands "Micah really does like you man. And if I know one thing about her, she's the realest chick out here. Don't go assuming shit. Be straight up with her and talk about it. I got mad respect for sis. Just talk to her"

"Bet" he nodded looking like he was thinking "I will.... Tim it might sound crazy man... but I think Micah is it. She's the one"

"How you know that?"

"Because I can see myself falling hard for her man. I can see myself with her forever. I might not be feeling it now.... but I can feel it growing and going there"

"Well my friend, you're suppose to fall in love with your best friend. And you've been calling her that for months"

He laughed "I don't even know if she's wants this"

"She does" I confirmed "But fear is paralyzing you know. You have to take that fear away for her"

"Crazy thing is... I'm a little scared my damn self" he shook his head "I sound like a bitch"

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