Chapter 33: Truth Hurts I

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I watched my last class leave for the night before heading to my office. The cleaning crew was upfront so I had time before I had to head out with them. Just as I sat down and started clicking through my schedule there was a knock at my door. I was surprised that it was followed by Travis walking into my office. 

"Wow" I spoke above a whisper the only word I could get out

"I probably should be the one saying that" he looked down at my stomach "How are you?"

"Pretty tired but I'm okay"

We were both silently staring at each other. I thought when this day came I wouldn't feel broken anymore but I was wrong. My heart hurt just looking at him, but I refused to show it. 

"What are you doing here Travis?" I stood up 

"I-Is... is it mine?"

I scoffed "Doesn't matter what my answer is"

"Yes it does"

"Oh now you believe me?"

"I wanted to believe you!" his voice was raised and shaking "But the facts were there... what was I suppose to do!"

"Stick by me! Figure out what the fuck was going on WITH me! Not turn against me!"


"Just tell me why?" I felt the tears rolling through my stone face "Why didn't you believe me"


"It's the only thing I want to know"

He sighed "i didn't believe the picture when I first saw them... The video was a lot but I still wasn't sure. i thought about it for a couple days. Then I went to Paradise and asked Tiana. She said she didn't want to be in the middle of my bullshit with you... You said yall had got back cool and whatever so I damn near begged her for the truth. She said it was all true" he finally looked at me "I left again trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do. I wanted to believe you but facts are facts. Don't be mad at Tiana for telling me though... Everything kept going bad between us. Shit just kept happening. Maybe this was just our sign that we not meant to be together"

I scoffed as the tears rolled faster. I couldn't believe the shit he had said. I hadn't spoken to anyone from the club since I broke up with Travis. The only girls I even let come to my classes were super new and didn't know me as a dancer. I figure it was one of the ole head girls but I never thought Tiana would be so low down to me. 

Travis just stared at me waiting for some kind of response. I didn't have one for him though. I was in shock and filled with rage. A piece of me could understand why he put some much stock in what Tiana said, but he still didn't listen to me. He chose to believe it because things were hard for us. 

I shook my head "I never cheated on you Travis. You broke up with me... disrespected and belittled me... all for a fucking lie. So I hope that answers you question. As much as I want to hate you with every fiber of my being... I can't and I won't. I don't need that bad energy"

"I get that... but I need you to say it"

"My words don't mean anything to you. Nothing I say or do means anything to you. So believe what you want... but clearly someone already told you what it is. Believe it or not. I don't care anymore. I'm not doing this with you. I'm not begging you like I need you. I don't" 

"I just---"

"Go be a family with your fiance" my voice was laced with venom as I said it "Goodbye Travis"

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